DS Study Group Wed Oct 30th: Michele Friedner: “A mother’s sense and the work of caring for a sense”

Dear all, 

We are very happy to announce the next session for the autumn quarter: 
  “A mother’s sense and the work of caring for a sense”
                    Prof.  Michele Friedner
                    Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago 
 October 30th, 12.30- 1.50 pm
Saieh Hall, Room 141
Please join us for a warm, thoughtful and engaged discussion! 
The article, to be read before the meeting can be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IaaOWRsl-A0J9JpxtBjaI7C_Dldjc9IH?usp=sharing

To receive updates about future events, subscribe to the Disability Studies Workshop listserv here: https://lists.uchicago.edu/web/subscribe/disstudies-reading, or check out our website: http://voices.uchicago.edu/disabilitystudies/.

All Disability Studies Workshop events are free and open to the public. Unless otherwise noted, events this quarter will be hosted in Saieh Hall, Room 141.  Attached is a map of Saieh Hall. Saieh Hall is wheelchair accessible and this map provides information on access features. We are committed to making the workshop accessible; if there are accommodations that would be of use to you, please do not hesitate to contact the study group coordinators – Shruti Vaidya (shrutiv@uchicago.edu) and Sharon Seegers Marie (sharons@uchicago.edu)

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon! 
Shruti and Sharon 

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