Lab Life

October 22, 2024. Esterhazy lab members gathered for a fun night of bowling.

Thesis Defense Celebration
July 11, 2024. After successfully defending his thesis, Jorden Lane, PhD, received a graduation hat decorated with allusions to his time in the lab.

Immunology Competition
January 24, 2024. Esterhazy Lab created a Lego tower for the annual competition between immunology labs.

Lab Lunch
March 31, 2023. Every Friday is Lab Lunch, which is when we all have lunch together! We ordered Thai food this day to celebrate Esterhazy Lab member, Aliia’s, birthday.

Pittsfield Cafe
February 27, 2023. Our lab gathered at the Pittsfield Cafe in Downtown Chicago for breakfast before we visited the Art Institute!

South Side Science Festival
September 17, 2022. Esterhazy Lab members Dean and Jorden participated in the University of Chicago’s first annual South Side Science Festival at the Office of Diversity and Inclusion’s stand with the Committee on Immunology.

Immunology Competition
Spring 2022. Esterhazy Lab created a “lymph node co-drainage drink” project for the annual competition between immunology labs.

Ice Skating
December 21, 2021. Esterhazy Lab members went ice skating in the city!

Graduation Dinner
Spring 2021. Lab members came together for dinner to celebrate the graduation of Hailey Brown, PhD, an immunology alumna from the Esterhazy Lab!