Welcome to Expositions, a home for innovation, voice, and vision

We are the University of Chicago’s premier Environmental and Urban Studies magazine.

Join us as we explore the world from Chicago and beyond through writing, photography, and illustration.

Submit to Expositions

Read our submission guidelines and keep up to date with our contests.

Submissions for our inaugural print issue will open in April 2021.

About Us

Expositions launched in 2021 to publish environmental and urban studies journalism. We center writing and photography that investigates the heart of our diverse cities and ecosystems. We love the probing, the voicey, the innovative, and the sharply drawn.

Join us on our mission to share the work of young writers, artists, urbanists, and environmentalists.

Submit to Expositions

Send us your best work and keep up to date with our calls for submission.

Recent Articles

Call for Submissions

Do you want your writing or artwork to be published in a UChicago print publication? We at Expositions, the Environmental and Urban Studies department’s new student magazine, are opening a call for submissions for our second issue! Submissions should focus on urban...

Yellow Finch Blockade

Yellow Finch Blockade

In the backwoods of Virginia, past a crackling gravel road and a sea of golden rods, three tents sit sixty feet in the air. It is hard to see them at first. A few hundred yards down the road and the tents are completely blocked by lush green branches. But if you keep...

Phantom Tower

Phantom Tower

“For brief moments flying butterflies were reflected; they seemed to fly through a sky of gravel…(t)he mirror itself is not subject to duration, because it is an ongoing abstraction that is always available and timeless. The reflections, on the other hand, are...