Recent Articles

Political Horizons in New York City Pick-up Soccer

Political Horizons in New York City Pick-up Soccer

We live in a land bereft of democracy. Nearly every domain of our lives is regimented by hierarchy and entrenched influence. We are constrained to and by bureaucratic forms and control in every endeavor. However, not long ago, I stumbled across exactly what is so...

Issue No. 2 Launch Party

Issue No. 2 Launch Party

Expositions Magazine is proud to announce the upcoming launch of our second issue! Join us at noon on Thursday, April 28th at the Urban Lounge (1155 E. 60th Street) to grab a free copy of the magazine, hear live readings from the authors, and enjoy light refreshments....

Winter in Hyde Park: A Photo Essay

Winter in Hyde Park: A Photo Essay

This series of photos was taken in February of 2021 and focuses on the harsh juxtaposition of right angles so commonly seen in cities, but very rarely encountered in natural settings. The time of year — dead of winter — is one of the few moments when the natural...

The Oculus: Between the Realms

The Oculus: Between the Realms

I was sixteen when I first saw the Oculus. It had opened to the public months before in March of 2016, but I hadn’t heard about it. At sixteen I had the single-mindedness of the briefcased men I commuted into Manhattan with each day. I took one of two LIRR trains,...

Prouvé’s Moving Houses

Prouvé’s Moving Houses

In the late 1940s, French designer Jean Prouvé created a prototype for a steel and aluminum prefabricated house to be sent in pieces to the French colonies in what is now Niger and Congo. Prouvé’s architecture contemporaries lauded the houses as marvels of modern...

Rising Tides in Iowa

Rising Tides in Iowa

I bought my first car in June 2019. It was a used, steel grey Honda Civic that my older brother, Alan, told me I’d definitely paid two thousand dollars too much for. I needed it because I was going to live in Des Moines, Iowa, while I interned for ABC covering the...

Call for Submissions

Do you want your writing or artwork to be published in a UChicago print publication? We at Expositions, the Environmental and Urban Studies department’s new student magazine, are opening a call for submissions for our second issue! Submissions should focus on urban...

Yellow Finch Blockade

Yellow Finch Blockade

In the backwoods of Virginia, past a crackling gravel road and a sea of golden rods, three tents sit sixty feet in the air. It is hard to see them at first. A few hundred yards down the road and the tents are completely blocked by lush green branches. But if you keep...

Phantom Tower

Phantom Tower

“For brief moments flying butterflies were reflected; they seemed to fly through a sky of gravel…(t)he mirror itself is not subject to duration, because it is an ongoing abstraction that is always available and timeless. The reflections, on the other hand, are...

American Climate Famine

American Climate Famine

At first the changes were barely perceptible. Gaps here and there in the supermarket shelves, the occasional hoarder filling their cart with mountains of food.   Then the fruits and vegetables disappeared. The supermarkets became crowded and hectic, and squabbles...

Verdugo Gardens

Verdugo Gardens

The form of the rocket ship only becomes a part of the landscape when something has gone irretrievably wrong.    Circle around it for a moment, listening, hoping bat-like that a stray noise will give shape to its unfathomably shrouded interior.    See the...