
Center for Spatial Data Science
The Center for Spatial Data Science (CSDS) develops state-of-the-art methods for geospatial analysis; implements them through open source software tools; applies them to policy-relevant research in the social sciences; and disseminates them through education and support to a growing worldwide community of over 330,000 spatial analysts. CSDS is an initiative of the Division of Social Sciences and part of the UChicago’s investment in computational social science.

UChicago Maps Library
The UChicago Maps Library helps students looking to creating maps, conducting spatial analysis, collecting survey data, or something related. The Library can help you navigate learning resources that will fit your project.

Urban Center for Computation and Data
URBANCCD provides resources, tools, and collaborative opportunities in urban science to address the global challenges created by rapid urbanization and aging cities.

UChicago Urban
The UChicago Urban Network brings together more than 20 schools, centers and initiatives from across campus to promote the urban ideas and programs transforming Chicago and the future of cities around the world.

The Study of Urbanism @ UChicago
The Urbanism Lab is a focal point at the University of Chicago for the study of the built environment and its meaning and impact. Our research interests are reflective of social, cultural and political movements aimed at improving the quality of the built environment. Of particular interest is the notion of sustainable urbanism and the ability of cities to be places of vibrancy, social diversity, and neighborhood identity.

Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation
At the Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation, we study the fundamental processes that drive, shape and sustain cities. Our researchers come from the social, natural, and computational sciences, along with the humanities. Together, we pursue innovative, interdisciplinary scholarship, develop new educational programs, and provide leadership and evidence to support global, sustainable urban development.

GIS@UChicago Research Computing Center
RCC-GIS engages in interdisciplinary research and education with UChicago users who want to incorporate GIS methods and software.

Knowledge Lab collaborates with corporations that are serious about taking on and solving hard problems in multimodal data integration, analysis, and prediction, as well as scaling and capitalizing on insights into social, scientific, and innovative processes. These collaborations take on a working group structure where corporate sponsors actively participate in funded research that is relevant to both the sponsor and the Lab.
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
Chapin Hall engages in direct, purposeful collaboration. They partner with all levels of government, non-profit organizations, philanthropists, fellow researchers, and others who work tirelessly to address challenges facing children, youth, and families in the United States and beyond.