DAB is a student-led initiative that works to improve graduate student services and programming around diversity, equity, & inclusion.
The UChicagoGRAD Diversity Advisory Board (DAB) is a group of graduate students from across the University of Chicago whose mission is to enhance diversity, inclusion, access, and equity in higher education. Board membership is composed of students who have consistently demonstrated a commitment to promoting these values through their academic pursuits, leadership roles, and community engagement.
DAB advises UChicagoGRAD and other administrative leaders in developing programs and resources related to diversity in graduate education and experience, while also connecting campus-wide graduate student groups with each other and University leadership.

At a Glance: Graduate Student Racial/Ethnic Diversity
Native American
Pacific Islander
Fall 2020 Enrollmented data retieved from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Data Center. The Insitute of Education Sciences National Center for Education Statistics. Available at https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/datacenter/Data.aspx