Harald Uhlig

Working Papers and Presentations

Prof. Harald Uhlig’s research can also be found at:

Additional Research Resources

NBER working paper series “, Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago

CEPR working paper series “, Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago

Becker-Friedman working paper series “, Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago

VOX working paper series“, Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago

Cesifo working paper series“, Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago

SSRN Search Link “, Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago

RePEc (scroll down to ‘Works’)“, Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago

Year   Title  
 Macroeconomic Dynamics and Reallocation in an Epidemic  , NBER Working Paper No. 27047. Apr, 2020. Dirk Krueger, Harald Uhlig, Taojun Xie.
 Macroeconomic Dynamics and Reallocation in an Epidemic  , CEPR Working Paper No. 14607. Apr, 2020. Dirk Krueger, Harald Uhlig, Taojun Xie.
 Central bank digital currency: Central banking for all  , VOX Working Paper. Apr, 2020. Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, Daniel Sanches, Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig .
 Central Bank Digital Currency: Central Banking For All? “ , NBER Working Paper No. 26753. Feb, 2020. Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Daniel Sanches, Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig.

 Central Bank Digital Currency: Central Banking For All?  , CEPR Working Paper No. 14337. Jan, 2020. Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, Daniel Sanches, Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig.

 Central Bank Digital Currency: Central Banking For All?  , Based on BFI Working Paper No. 2020-04, INSIGHTS / RESEARCH BRIEF JAN, 2020. Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, Daniel Sanches, Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig.
 Cryptocurrencies, Currency Competition, and the Impossible Trinity “ , NBER Working Paper No. 26214. Aug, 2019. Pierpaolo Benigno, Linda M. Schilling, Harald Uhlig.
 Cryptocurrencies, Currency Competition, and The Impossible Trinity  , CEPR Working Paper No. 13943. Sept, 2019. Pierpaolo Benigno, Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig.
 World wide currency  , VOX Working Paper. Oct, 2019. Pierpaolo Benigno, Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig .
 The macroeconomic consequences of impaired money markets  , VOX Working Paper. May, 2019. Fiorella De Fiore, Marie Hoerova, Harald Uhlig.
 Cryptocurrencies, Currency Competition, and the Impossible Trinity  , Based on BFI Working Paper No. 2019-108, INSIGHTS / RESEARCH BRIEF AUG, 2019. Pierpaolo Benigno, Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig.
 Some Simple Bitcoin Economics “ , NBER Working Paper No. 24483. Apr, 2018. Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig.
 Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Financial Crisis of 2008: a Post Mortem “ , NBER Working Paper No. 24509. Apr, 2018. Juan Ospina, Harald Uhlig.
 Money Markets, Collateral and Monetary Policy  , NBER Working Paper No. 25319. Nov, 2018. Fiorella De Fiore, Marie Hoerova, Harald Uhlig.
 Money Markets, Collateral and Monetary Policy  , CEPR Working Paper No. 13335. Nov, 2018. Fiorella De Fiore, Marie Hoerova, Harald Uhlig.
 The Dynamics of Sovereign Debt Crises and Bailouts  , CEPR Working Paper No. 12921. May, 2018. Francisco Roch, Harald Uhlig.
 Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Financial Crisis of 2008: a Post Mortem  , CEPR Working Paper No. 12852. Apr, 2018. Juan Ospina, Harald Uhlig.
 Some simple Bitcoin Economics  , CEPR Working Paper No. 12831. Mar, 2018. Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig.
 Some simple Bitcoin economics  , VOX Working Paper. Oct, 2018. Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig.
 Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Financial Crisis of 2008: A Post Mortem  , Based on BFI Working Paper No. 2018-24, INSIGHTS / RESEARCH BRIEF MAY, 2018. Juan Ospina, Harald Uhlig.
 Money Markets, Collateral and Monetary Policy  , Based on BFI Working Paper No. 2018-79, INSIGHTS / RESEARCH BRIEF NOV, 2018. Fiorella De Fiore, Marie Hoerova, Harald Uhlig.
 Some simple Bitcoin Economics  , Based on BFI Working Paper No. 2018-21, INSIGHTS / RESEARCH BRIEF MAY, 2019. Linda Schilling, Harald Uhlig.
 The Dynamics of Sovereign Debt Crises and Bailouts  , Based on BFI Working Paper No. 2018-29, INSIGHTS / RESEARCH BRIEF MAY, 2018. Francisco Roch and Harald Uhlig.
 Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Financial Crisis of 2008: A Post Mortem “ , Based on BFI Working Paper No. 2018-24, INSIGHTS / RESEARCH BRIEF APR 2018. Juan Ospina, Harald Uhlig.
 Sign Restrictions in Bayesian FaVARs with an Application to Monetary Policy Shocks “ , NBER Working Paper No. 21738. Nov, 2015. Pooyan Amir Ahmadi, Harald Uhlig.
 Corporate Debt Structure and the Financial Crisis  , NBER Working Paper No. 20730. Dec, 2014. Fiorella De Fiore, Harald Uhlig.
 Financial Health Economics “ , NBER Working Paper No. 20075. Apr, 2014. Tomas Philipson, Ralph Koijen, Harald Uhlig.
 Accounting for Post-Crisis Inflation and Employment: A Retro Analysis  , CEPR Working Paper No. 10306. Dec, 2014. Chiara Fratto, Harald Uhlig.
 Sovereign Default Risk and Banks in a Monetary Union “ , NBER Working Paper No. 19343. Aug, 2013. Harald Uhlig.
 Sovereign Default Risk and Banks in a Monetary Union  , CEPR Working Paper No. 9606. Aug, 2013. Harald Uhlig.
 Is Quantity Theory Still Alive?  , CEPR Working Paper No. 8049. Aug, 2013. Pedro Teles, Harald Uhlig.
 Sovereign default risk and banks in Europe’s monetary union  , VOX Working Paper. Sept, 2013. Harald Uhlig .
 Sovereign Default Risk and Banks in a Monetary Union  , CESifo working paper no. 4368, CATEGORY 7: MONETARY POLICY AND INTERNATIONAL FINANCE AUG 2013. Harald Uhlig.
 How Do Laffer Curves Differ Across Countries?  , Based on BFI Working Paper No. 2012-001, INSIGHTS / RESEARCH BRIEF FEB, 2012. Mathias Trabandt, Harald Uhlig.
 How Do Laffer Curves Differ Across Countries? “ , NBER Working Paper No. 17862. Feb, 2012. Mathias Trabandt, Harald Uhlig.
 Bank Finance Versus Bond Finance “ , NBER Working Paper No. 16979. Apr, 2011. Fiorella De Fiore, Harald Uhlig.
 Fiscal Stimulus and Distortionary Taxation “ , NBER Working Paper No. 17111. June, 2011. Thorsten Drautzburg, Harald Uhlig.
 Financing fiscal stimulus  , VOX Working Paper. Jul, 2011. Thorsten Drautzburg, Harald Uhlig.
 Eurobonds without public guarantees: Insulating the financial sector from the European debt crisis  , VOX Working Paper. Sept, 2011. Thorsten Beck, Wolf Wagner, Harald Uhlig.
 Economics and Reality “ , NBER Working Paper No. 16416. Sept, 2010. Harald Uhlig.
 Is Quantity Theory Still Alive? “ , NBER Working Paper No. 16393. Sept, 2010. Pedro Teles, Harald Uhlig.
 Recession and recovery in the euro area  , VOX Working Paper. Oct, 2010. Harald Uhlig .
 Euro Area Business Cycle Dating Committee: Determination of the 2009 Q2 trough in economic activity  , VOX Working Paper. Oct, 2010. Harald Uhlig .
 Monetary policy in Europe vs the US: what explains the difference? “ , NBER Working Paper No. 14996. May, 2009. Harald Uhlig.
 How Far Are We From The Slippery Slope? The Laffer Curve Revisited “ , NBER Working Paper No. 15343. Sept, 2009. Mathias Trabandt, Harald Uhlig.
 A Model of a Systemic Bank Run “ , NBER Working Paper No. 15072. June, 2009. Harald Uhlig.
 Understanding a systemic banking crisis  , VOX Working Paper. Oct, 2009. Harald Uhlig .
 Optimal Endowment Destruction under Campbell-Cochrane Habit Formation “ , NBER Working Paper No. 14772. Mar, 2009. Lars Ljungqvist, Harald Uhlig.
 The Slow Decline of East Germany “ , NBER Working Paper No. 14553. Dec, 2008. Harald Uhlig.
 What are the Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks? “ , NBER Working Paper No. 14551. Dec, 2008. Andrew Mountford, Harald Uhlig.
 Pension Systems and the Allocation of Macroeconomic Risk  , CEPR Working Paper No. 5949. Nov, 2006. A Lans Bovenberg, Harald Uhlig.
 How Far Are We From the Slippery Slope? The Laffer Curve Revisited  , CEPR Working Paper No. 5657. May, 2006. Mathias Trabandt, Harald Uhlig.
 Bank Finance versus Bond Finance: What Explains the Differences Between the US and Europe?  , CEPR Working Paper No. 5213. Sept, 2005 Fiorella De Fiore, Harald Uhlig.
 Towards a Monthly Business Cycle Chronology for the Euro Area  , CEPR Working Paper No. 4377. May, 2004. Emanuel Monch, Harald Uhlig.
 Competitive Risk Sharing Contracts with One-Sided Commitment  , CEPR Working Paper No. 4208. Jan, 2004. Dirk Krueger, Harald Uhlig.
 Competitive Risk Sharing Contracts with One-Sided Commitment “ , NBER Working Paper No. 10135. Aug, 2003. Dirk Krueger, Harald Uhlig.
 What are the Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks?  , CEPR Working Paper No. 3338. Apr, 2002. Andrew Mountford, Harald Uhlig.
 One Money, but Many Fiscal Policies in Europe: What Are the Consequences?  , CEPR Working Paper No. 3296. Apr, 2002. Harald Uhlig.
 Should Smart Investors Buy Funds with High Returns in the Past?  , CEPR Working Paper No. 3282. Mar, 2002. Frederic Palomino, Harald Uhlig.
 On Adjusting the HP-Filter for the Frequency of Observations  , CEPR Working Paper No. 2858. Jun, 2001. Morten O Ravn, Harald Uhlig.
 Did the Fed Surprise the Markets in 2001? A Case Study for Var’s with Sign Restrictions  , CESifo Working Paper No. 629, DEC 2001. Harald Uhlig.
 On Adjusting The Hp-Filter For The Frequency Of Observations “ , CESifo Working Paper No. 479, MAY 2001. Morten O. Ravn Harald Uhlig.
 Should We be Afraid of Friedman’s Rule?  , CEPR Working Paper No. 2548. Sept, 2000. Harald Uhlig.
 What are the Effects of Monetary Policy on Output? Results from an Agnostic Identification Procedure  , CEPR Working Paper No. 2137. May, 1999. Harald Uhlig.
 Fickle Investors: an Impediment to Growth?  , CEPR Working Paper No. 2071. Feb, 1999. Andrew Scott, Harald Uhlig.
 Debt Contracts, Collapse and Regulation as Competition Phenomena  , CEPR Working Paper No. 1742. Nov, 1997. Hans Gersbach, Harald Uhlig.
 Preferences, Consumption Smoothing, and Risk Premia  , CEPR Working Paper No. 1678. July, 1997. Martin Lettau, Harald Uhlig.
 An Analysis of the ‘Stability Pact’  , CEPR Working Paper No. 1669. July, 1997. Roel Beetsma, Harald Uhlig.
 Long Term Debt and the Political Support of a Monetary Union  , CEPR Working Paper No. 1603. Mar, 1997. Harald Uhlig.
 Transition and Financial Collapse “ , CESifo Working Paper No. 40, JUL 1993. Harald Uhlig.
 Solving Nonlinear Stochastic Growth Models: A Comparison of Alternative Solution Methods  , NBER Working Paper No. 3117. Sept, 1989. John B. Taylor, Harald Uhlig.
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