Emma Levine Publications


Jensen, S., Levine, E.E., White, M., Huppert, E. Lying is ethical, but honesty is the best policy: The desire to avoid harmful lies leads to moral preferences for unconditional honesty. Forthcoming at Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Huppert, E., Levine, E.E. (2023) The rise of dishonest leaders: Causes and solutions. Forthcoming at Academy of Management Perspectives.

Moore, A., Lewis, J., Levine, E.E., Schweitzer, M.E. (2023). Benevolent Friends and High-Integrity Leaders: How Preferences for Benevolence and Integrity Change Across Relationships. Forthcoming at Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Cooper, B., Cohen, T. R., Huppert, E., Levine, E. E., & Fleeson, W. (2023) Honest Behavior: Truth-seeking, Belief-speaking, and Fostering-understanding. Forthcoming at Academy of Management Annals.

Huppert, E., Herzog, N., Landy, J., Levine, E.E. (2023). On being dishonest about dishonesty: The social costs of taking nuanced (but realistic) moral stances. Forthcoming at the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Ren, B. Hart, E. Levine, E.E., Schweitzer, M.E. (2023) The Shared Responsibility Model of Deception. Forthcoming at Current Opinion in Psychology.

Hines JB, Bowar B, Levine, E.E., Esposito A, Garassino MC, Bestvina CM. (2023). Targeted Toxicities: Protocols for Monitoring the Adverse Events of Targeted Therapies Used in the Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(11): 9429.

Munguia Gomez, D., Levine, E.E. (2022). The Policy-People Gap: Decision makers choose policies that would select different applicants than they select when making individual decisions. Academy of Management Journal, 65(3), 842-869.

Levine, E.E. (2022). Community standards of deception: Deception is perceived to be ethical when it prevents unnecessary harm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(2), 410–436.

Levine, E.E., Duncan, S. (2022). Deception and the marketplace for ideas. Consumer Psychology Review, 5(1), 33-50.

Levine, E.E., Lupoli, M. (2022). Prosocial lies: Causes and Consequences. Current Opinion in Psychology, 43, 335-340.

Yip, J., Levine, E.E., Brooks, A.W., Schweitzer, M.E. (2021). Worry at work: How organizational culture promotes anxiety. Review of Organizational Behavior, 40, 100-124.

Roberts, A., Levine, E.E., Sezer, O. (2020). Hiding success. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(5), 1261–1286.

Kirgios, E., Chang, E., Levine, E.E., Milkman, K., Kessler, J. (2020). Forgoing earnings to signal intrinsic motivation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(29), 16891-16897.

Kassirer, S., Levine, E.E., Gaertig, C. (2020). Decisional autonomy undermines advisees’ judgments of experts in medicine and in life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(21), 11368-11378.

Levine, E.E. Munguia Gomez, D. (2020) “I’m just being honest.” When and why honesty enables helping versus harming behaviors. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(1), 33-56.

Levine, E.E., Roberts, A., Cohen, T. (2019). Difficult Conversations: Navigating the tension between honesty and benevolence. Current Opinion in Psychology, 31, 38-43.

Moore A., Munguia Gomez, D, Levine, E.E. (2019). Everyday dilemmas: New directions on the judgment and resolution of benevolence-integrity dilemmas. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 13(7), 1-12.

Gaertig, C., Barasch, A., Levine, E.E., Schweitzer, M.E. (2019). When does anger boost status? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85, 103876.

Levine, E.E., Wald, K. (2019) Fibbing about your feelings: How feigning happiness in the face of personal hardship affects trust. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 156, 135-154.

Gunia, B.C, Levine, E.E. (2019). Deception as competence: The effect of occupation on the judgment and proliferation of deception. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 152, 122-137.

Levine, E. E., Cohen, T. R. (2018). You can handle the truth: Mispredicting the consequences of honest communication. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147(9), 1400-1429.

Levine, E.E, Bitterly, T.B., Cohen, T.R., Schweitzer, M.E. (2018). Who is trustworthy? Guilt-proneness increases trustworthy intentions and behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(3), 468-494.

Lupoli, M.J., Levine, E.E, & Greenberg, A.E. (2018). Paternalistic lies. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 146, 31-50.

Levine, E. E., Barasch, A., Rand, D., Berman, J. Z., Small, D. A. (2018). Signaling emotion and reason in cooperation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General147(5), 702-719.

Berman, J.Z., Barasch, A., Levine, E.E, Small, D.A. (2018). Impediments to Effective Altruism: The Role of Subjective Preferences in Charitable Giving. Psychological Science, 29(5), 834-844.

Levine, E.E., Hart, J., Moore, K., Rubin, E. Yadav, K., Halpern, S. (2018). The surprising costs of silence: Asymmetric preferences for prosocial lies of commission and omission. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(1), 29-51.

Barasch, A., Levine, E.E., Schweitzer, M.E (2016). Bliss is ignorance: How the magnitude of expressed happiness influences perceived naiveté and interpersonal exploitation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 137, 184-206.

Levine, E.E., Schweitzer, M.E. (2015). The affective and interpersonal consequences of obesity; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 127, 66-84.

Levine, E.E., Schweitzer, M.E. (2015). Prosocial lies: When deception breeds trust. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 126, 88-106.

Berman, J.Z., Levine, E.E., Barasch, A., Small, D.A. (2015). The braggart’s dilemma: On the social rewards and penalties of advertising prosocial behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(1), 90-104.

Levine, E.E., Schweitzer, M.E. (2014). Are liars ethical? On the tension between benevolence and honesty. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 53, 107-117.

Barasch, A., Levine, E.E., Berman, J.Z., Small, D.A. (2014). Selfish or selfless? On the signal value of emotion in altruistic behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107(3), 393.


Kassirer, S., Levine, E.E., Kouchaki, M. (2023). A Call to Maximize the Social Impact of Our Research: An Effective Altruism Approach. Accepted at Academy of Management Perspectives.

Munguia Gomez, D., Levine, E.E. (2019). People versus policies: Preference reversals when making equivalent choices between individuals and policies that affect individuals. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.

Small, D.A, Berman, J.Z., Levine, E.E. Barasch, A., (2018). Should You Broadcast Your Charitable Side? Behavioral Scientist.

Greenberg, A.E, Lupoli, M.J., Levine, E.E. (2018). When Should You Tell a Well-Meaning Lie? New research offers three guidelines to avoid causing distress. Harvard Business Review.

Levine, E.E. (2018). “I’m just being honest.” Ethical rules enable interpersonal harm. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.

Berman, J.Z., Barasch, A., Levine, E.E Small, D.A. (2016). Why we resist treating charities like investments. Market Watch.

Gaspar, J.P, Levine, E.E., Schweitzer, M.E. (2015) Why We Should Lie. Organizational Dynamics.

Levine, E.E. (2015). Community Standards of Deception. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.


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