Assembly Hall, International House 1414 59th St. Chicago IL 60637
RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/uchicagoimmigration
Dr. Masferrer is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Demographic, Urban, and Environmental Studies (CEDUA) and Coordinator of the Seminar Migration, Inequality and Public Policies (MIGDEP) of El Colegio de México
Dr. Masferrer’s scholarship bridges sociology and demography, engaging with theories in family, migration, and race and ethnic studies and applying statistical methods to policy-relevant problems. Specifically, they are interested in migration, immigrant integration, family dynamics and how policy mediates these processes. They are currently pursuing two main areas of research. The first area focuses on the demography, geography, and welfare implications of Mexican return migration and migration to Mexico. The second area focuses on the intersection of immigration and family processes in North America (Canada, US, and Mexico). Their work aims to contribute to understanding North America as a region of emigration, immigration, transit, and return migration.