Immigration Workshop

March. 6 2024: Nohemi Esquivel (UChicago)

Discussant: Pedro Gerson, Instructional Professor in the College and Director of Practice at the Pozen Center Abstract: This chapter is a socio-legal analysis of “Green Card Commuters,”  — workers who were admitted to the United States for permanent residence...

Nov 7 2023: Child Migration Across the Americas Symposium (UIC)

For more information:  About this Symposium Child migration has become an increasingly important phenomenon in the Americas. Thousands upon thousands of children leave their countries of...

November 8 2023: Author meets Readers: Alejandra Diaz de Leon

Join us at the International House on November 8th, 2023, from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm for our first-ever **Author Meets Readers** event! Dr. Alejandra Díaz de León from the College of Mexico (COLMEX) will discuss her new book, “Walking Together: Central Americans...
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