Resource: The Image Computing, Analysis and Repository Core

What is the ICAR?

The Image Computing, Analysis and Repository Core (ICAR) provides computing and data storage services for facilitating the integration of imaging technologies with cancer and biomedical research in the UC Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Core’s facilities include the Scientific Image Reconstruction and Analysis Facility (SIRAF), a computing cluster optimized for image processing, analysis, and visualization, and the Animal Imaging Repository (AIR), which provides network file sharing services for animal researchers. The mission of the ICAR Core is to allow researchers whose focus is not on imaging per se to take advantage of state-of-art imaging modalities by supplying expertise in image analysis at whatever level is necessary, ranging from basic consultation and recommendation to shared development of new analysis software. A major goal of the Core is to provide turnkey end-to-end analysis and delivery of results for researchers, similar to molecular or genomic assays provided by other core facilities.



Click here to visit the ICAR’s website.



Chun-Wal Chan, M.S.                                                                           Technical Director, ICAR