Latest research
Liufu M, Leveroni ZM, Shridhar S, Zhou N and Yu JY (2024) Optimizing real-time phase detection in diverse rhythmic biological signals for phase-specific neuromodulation. bioRxiv
Awh MP, Latimer KW, Zhou N, Leveroni ZM, Poon AG, Stephens ZM and Yu JY (2024) Persistent impact of prior experience on spatial learning. eNeuro
Kaye AE, Proctor-Bonbright and Yu JY (2024) Rectal Swab DNA Collection Protocol for PCR Genotyping in Rats. Biotechniques
Hippocampal-cortical interactions
Yu JY and Frank LM (2021) Prefrontal cortical activity predicts the occurrence of nonlocal hippocampal representations during spatial navigation. PLOS Biology
Yu JY, Liu D, Loback A, Grossrubatscher I and Frank LM (2018) Specific hippocampal representations are linked to generalized cortical representations in memory. Nature Communications 9(1):2209
Yu JY, Kay K, Liu D, Grossrubatscher I, Loback A, Sosa M, Chung JE, Karlsson MP, Larkin MC and Frank LM (2017) Distinct hippocampal-cortical memory representations for experiences associated with movement versus immobility. eLife 6:e27621
Yu JY, Frank LM (2015) Hippocampal-cortical interaction in decision making. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 117: 34-41.
Genetic tools
Pettibone JR, Yu JY, Derman RC, Faust TW, Hughes ED, Filipiak WE, Saunders TL, Ferrario CR, Berke JD (2019) Knock-in rat lines with Cre recombinase at the dopamine D1 and adenosine 2a receptor loci. eNeuro 6 (5).
Yu JY, Pettibone JR, Guo C, Zhang S, Saunders T, Hughes E, Filipiak W, Zeidler M, Bender K, Hopf F, Smyth C, Kharazia V, Kiseleva A, Davidson T, Frank LM and Berke JD (2018) Knock-in rats expressing Cre and Flp recombinases at the Parvalbumin locus. bioRxiv doi:
Genetic circuit dissection
Yu JY, Kanai M, Demir E, Jefferis GSXE and Dickson BJ (2010) Cellular organization of the neural circuit that drives Drosophila courtship behavior. Current Biology 20, 1602-1614
Cachero S, Ostrovsky AD, Yu, JY, Dickson BJ and Jefferis GSXE (2010) Sexual dimorphism in the fly brain. Current Biology 20, 1589-1601