James A. Robinson

Institute Director of The Pearson Institute; Reverend Dr. Richard L. Pearson Professor and University Professor; Harris School of Public Policy and Department of Political Science, University of Chicago; Recipient of the 2024 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel


The Economic Effects of the English Parliamentary Enclosures

Citation “The Economic Effects of the English Parliamentary Enclosures” with Leander Heldring and Sebastian Vollmer (2024). Working Paper. Download (PDF) The Economic Effects of the English Parliamentary Enclosures Download Appendix (PDF) The Economic Effects of the...

Anti-Social Norms

Citation “Anti-Social Norms” with Leopoldo Fergusson and José-Alberto Guerra (2024). Working Paper. Download (PDF) Anti-Social Norms Download Appendix (PDF) Anti-Social Norms Appendix Abstract Since formal rules can only partially reduce opportunistic behavior,...

African Political Institutions and the Impact of Colonialism

Citation “African Political Institutions and the Impact of Colonialism” (2022). Working Paper. Download (PDF) African Political Institutions and the Impact of Colonialism Abstract Conventional wisdom proposes deep historical roots for authoritarianism in Africa:...

Tax Aversion and the Social Contract in Africa

Citation Robinson, James A. “Tax Aversion and the Social Contract in Africa." Journal of African Economies. 32, Issue Supplement_1, (2023): i33–i56. Download (PDF) Tax Aversion and the Social Contract in Africa Abstract Despite the low levels of taxation and public...

The Second World War, Inequality, and the Social Contract in Britain

Citation Heldring, Leander, James A. Robinson, and Parker Whitfill, “The Second World War, Inequality, and the Social Contract in Britain,” Economica, 89, no.1 (2022): 137-159 Download (PDF) The Second World War, Inequality and the Social Contract in Britain Abstract...