Jeff McMahon

Jeff McMahon

 I cover climate change for Forbes, and I designed and taught the Science Writing Practicum in the Data Science for Energy and Environmental Research program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. I’ve taught many courses in journalism and creative non-fiction, listed below, and for 20 years I have served as the writing advisor for the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities.


Science Writing Practicum

Science Writing Practicum

GEOS 39600
In this practicum, students will learn to write papers that communicate their work clearly to the scientific community, that attract citations, that can be compelling even for experts from other fields and the general public.

Knowledge Journalism

Knowledge Journalism

CRWR 14012/34012
We will study the knowledge journalists with an eye to practicing and perfecting the craft, both in the synthesis of research and the execution of eloquent writing.

Arts Criticism

Arts Criticism

CRWR 28200/48200
In this workshop we will study and practice the craft of arts reviewing for newspapers, magazines, and online publications. We will strive to write fair, effective reviews of movies, books, theater, music, cuisine, and visual arts.

News Writing in the Digital Age

News Writing in the Digital Age

CRWR 28100/48100
Journalists today are expected to meet the standards that guided reporters in the 20th Century but more quickly and more often for the dynamic media of the 21st Century. In this writing workshop we will study and practice traditional and emerging forms of stories and reports, as well as the interactive conversation that turns readers into participants, contributors, and editors.

Writing Journalism

Writing Journalism

CRWR 28000/48000
In this course we will study and practice traditional forms of news writing while responding to the pressures pushing journalism toward new forms. We will practice the objective style, the inverted pyramid, narrative, hybrid and alternative forms, and new-media forms that bring readers into dialogue with writers and their stories.

Thesis Seminar in Creative Non-Fiction

Thesis Seminar in Creative Non-Fiction

CRWR 29400/49400
This advanced workshop is designed to enable students to complete longer works of creative non-fiction. It is open to students completing BA and MA thesis projects in non-fiction, as well as other students who have a substantial body of work underway. Students will work under conditions that emulate demands on professional writers.

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