Working Papers
- “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Algorithms” (2024). Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper (with S. Mullainathan and A. Rambachan)
- “Machine Learning as a Tool for Hypothesis Generation” (2023). Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper (with S. Mullainathan)
- “Automating Automaticity: How the Context of Human Choice Affects the Extent of Algorithmic Bias” (2023). Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper (with A. Agan, D. Davenport, and S. Mullainathan)
- “Policing and Management” (2022). Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper (with M. Kapustin and T. Neumann)
- “Scope Challenges to Social Impact” (2021). Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper (with M. Bhatt, J. Guryan, and A.K. Shah)
- “Not Too Late: Improving Academic Outcomes Among Adolescents” (2021). Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper (with J. Guryan, M. Bhatt, P. Cook, J.M.V. Davis, K. Dodge, G. Farkas, R.G. Fryer Jr., S. Mayer, H. Pollack, and L. Steinberg)
- “Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms” (2019). Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper (with J. Kleinberg, S. Mullainathan, and C.R. Sunstein)
- “The Economics of Scale-Up” (2017). Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper. (with J.M.V. Davis, J. Guryan, and K. Hallberg)
- “Thinking, Fast and Slow? Some Field Experiments to Reduce Crime and Dropout in Chicago” (2015). Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper. (with S.B. Heller, A.K. Shah, J. Guryan, S. Mullainathan and H.A. Pollack)
- “Low-Income Housing Policy” (2015). Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper. (with R. Collinson and I.G. Ellen)
- “Housing and neighborhoods and a new national household panel” (submitted) (with L. Quillian)
- “An experimental evaluation of a comprehensive employment-oriented prisoner re-entry program” (under revision) (with P.J. Cook, K. Songman, A. Braga, M O’Brien)
- “The (surprising) efficacy of academic and behavioral intervention with disadvantaged youth: Results from a randomized experiment in Chicago.” Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper. (with P.J. Cook, K. A. Dodge, G. Farkas, R.G. Freyer, J. Guryan, S.E. Mayer, H. A. Pollack, and L. Steinberg)
- “The Effects of School Desegregation on Crime” University of Chicago. (Working Paper) (with D. Weiner and B. Lutz)
- “Neighborhood Effects on Low-Income Families: Evidence from a Housing-Voucher Lottery in Chicago” (with B. Jacob, G. Duncan, J. Rosenbaum, and M. Johnson)
- “Can Non-Experimental Estimators Replicate Experimental Estimates of Neighborhood Effects” (with B. Jacob and J. Smith)