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DAPI staining – lower epithelium
Actin in the lower epithelium
Endogenous GFP in the upper epithelium
Upper epithelium
Stacked image of the manubrium showing nuclei (blue), GFP in the endoderm (green) and EdU labeling of dividing cells (red)
Epithelial nucleii
Lower epithelium
Phalloidin-labelled upper epithelium
Confocal image of epithelium with nucleii in blue and actin in red
Confocal image of epithelium with nucleii in blue and actin in red
Epitheliomuscular cells outlined with endogenous GFP, with nuclei labeled in blue.
Confocal image of a root of Arabidopsis
Lower epithelial cells in a live intact animal. A small wound is visible.
Wild type Clytia automatically produce GFP. Here we see the GFP in a newborn jellyfish.
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