Sex and Aging

“…there is ample evidence to suggest that loving, kind and supportive relationships are very important for both a satisfying sex life and for mental well-being throughout the life course…Whatever patients and societies can do to promote kindness and love is likely to benefit mental wellness as we age.”

Dr. Stacy Tessler Lindau, The Washington Post (February 8, 2016)

Sex and Aging

Our research on gerosexuality focuses on addressing basic knowledge gaps and confronting endemic stigma in medical care of aging adults in the domain of sexuality. Our earlier work in this area, largely conducted in collaboration with sociologists with expertise in population-based study of sexuality and marriage, established an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for the study of gerosexuality (the Interactive Biopsychosocial Model) and population-based norms of sexuality across age and disease subgroups (Lindau et al., NEJM, 2007). These studies used population-based data from Wave I of the National Social Life, Health and Aging Project and the Midlife in the United States Study. Findings from these population-based studies counter widely-held physician and public stereotypes about sexuality and aging that impede medical care of older adults and have been used to improve medical and nursing education and raise public awareness. This work has also demonstrated very basic gaps in communication about sexuality in public education and physician practice, including, especially, in cancer care.

The National Social Life, Health & Aging Project

Funded by: National Institute on Aging, R01AG021487
Funding Period: September 2003 – August 2008
Principal Investigator: Linda Waite, PhD
Co-Investigators: Edward O. Laumann, PhD; Wendy S. Levinson, MD; Stacy Tessler Lindau, MD, MAPP; Colm A. O’Muircheartaigh, MSc, PhD


Public Health Relevance

Despite the aging population, little is known about the sexual behaviors and sexual function of older people. Current data on sexual activity is derived from small studies that do not include this demographic. This research aims to provide comprehensive data on the sexual activity, behaviors, and problems in the older population, as well as exploring the relationship between sexuality and a variety of health conditions. 

Key Findings

  1. In a study group of 57–85-year-old men and women, sexual activity declined with age.
  2. Women were significantly less likely than men, at all ages, to report sexual activity, and more likely to report lack of interest.
  3. Half of sexually active men and women reported one bothersome sexual problem.
  4. About 1/3 of men and 1/5 of women reported discussing their sexual health with a physician.


Older adults, from 57-85, are sexually active. Women are less likely than men to have a spousal or other intimate relationship and be sexually active. Sexual problems are frequent among older adults, but these problems are infrequently discussed with physicians, which can lead to depression or social withdrawal.

Project News

The Joys (and Challenges) of Sex After 70

Read the New York Times coverage of our landmark study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Things You're Too Embarrassed to Ask a Doctor: Sex, Cancer, and Aging Part 1 with Dr. Stacy Lindau

Hear Dr. Lindau describe how people living with cancer can have healthy, enjoyable sex.

Things You're Too Embarrassed to Ask a Doctor: Sex, Cancer, and Aging Part 2 with Dr. Stacy Lindau

Hear Dr. Lindau describe how people living with cancer can have healthy, enjoyable sex.