Sep 27, 2021
As the world’s climate changes, extreme events considered “once-in-a-century” emergencies appear much more frequently than the name suggests. From prolonged cold snaps and heat waves to infrastructure collapses such as floods and blackouts, these rare and...
Oct 16, 2019
The enormous potential of artificial intelligence has electrified industries and scientists eager to use these new technologies for commercial applications and discovery. That enthusiasm brought representatives from the private sector, government, and academia to...
Sep 20, 2019
The University of Chicago is seeding promising projects with Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the emerging fields of artificial intelligence and quantum science. The projects will tackle big questions in neuroscience, climate...
Feb 8, 2019
Artificial intelligence is commonly touted for its potential to change technology, the workplace, and society at large. But as deep learning, data science, and other technical advances bring certain aspects of AI closer to reality, some of its deepest impacts could...
Nov 14, 2018
In a world increasingly governed by data, it is critical that it is applied properly. As data-driven methods gain popularity for driving public policy, business operations, hiring, basic science, medical decisions, and virtually every other aspect of our lives, it’s...
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