We currently have open positions:
Students interested in projects centered on the interplay between gene regulation, development and genome organization are encouraged to contact PI Heather Marlow.
Postdocs: If you are interested in applying for a postdoctoral position, particularly if you have experience with epigenetics, chromatin biology, bioinformatics, computer science or realated fields, please contact the PI directly with a short statement of interest.
PhD Students: We train PhD students through two graduate programs at the University of Chicago: Genetics, Genomics and Systems Biology (GGSB) and Integrative Biology (IB). Potential applicants should review the descriptions for these programs and email the PI to arrange a time to discuss their interests.
Undergraduate Researchers: Undergraduates interested in discovering gene regulation and developmental neurobiology are encouraged to send an email to the PI to set up a time to discuss their interests. Currently, research projects are reserved for students who can devote at least ten hours per week to laboratory or computational research.
Heather Marlow
Lab Address
The University of Chicago
Cummings Life Science Center 301
920 East 58th Street
Chicago, IL 60637