
Sebe-Pedros A, Saudemont B, Chomsky E, Plessier F, Mailhe MP, Renno J, Loe-Mie Y, Lifshitz A, Mukamel Z, Schmutz S, Novault S, Steinmetz P, Spitz F, Tanay A* and Marlow H* (2018). Cnidarian Cell Type Diversity and Regulation Revealed by Whole-Organism Single-Cell RNA-Seq. Cell 173(6): 1520-1534.


Marlow H (2017) Evolutionary Development of Marine Larvae (In “Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae”). Oxford University Press. Chapter 2: pg. 16-33


Arendt D, Benito-Gutierrez E, Brunet T, Marlow H. (2015) Gastric pouches and the mucociliary sole: setting the stage for nervous system evolution.  Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. 370(1684)


Arendt D, Tosches MA, Marlow H. (2015) From nerve net to nerve ring, nerve cord and brain – evolution of the nervous system. Nat. Rev. Neurosci 17(1).


Marlow H, Arendt D. (2014).  Evolution: ctenophore genomes and the origin of neurons. Curr Biol. 24(16).


Marlow H*, M Tosches, R Tomer, P Steinmetz, A Lauri, T Larsson, D Arendt* (2014). Larval body patterning and apical organs are conserved in animal evolution. BMC Biology, In Press. *Co-corresponding authors


Marlow H, DQ Matus and MQ Martindale (2013). Ectopic activation of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway affects ectodermal patterning along the primary axis during larval development in the anthozoan Nematostella vectensis. Developmental Biology, 380(2): 324


Jegla T, H Marlow, B Chen, DK Simmons, Sarah M. Jacobo, MQ Martindale (2012). Expanded Functional Diversity of Shaker K+ Channels in Cnidarians Is Driven by Gene Expansion. PLOS One, 7(12): e51366


Marlow H, E Roettinger, M Boekhout and MQ Martindale (2012). Notch signaling in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis, a basal metazoan. Developmental Biology, 362(2): 295


Apprill A, H Marlow, MQ Martindale and MS Rappe (2012). Specificity of Associations between Bacteria and the Coral Pocillopora meandrina during Early Development. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78(20):7467.


Tamulonis C, M Postma M, H Marlow, C Magie, J de Jong, and J Kaandorp (2011). A cell-based model of Nematostella vectensis gastrulation including bottle cell formation, invagination and zippering. Developmental Biology, 351:1


Marlow H, M Srivastava, DQ Matus, MQ Martindale (2009). Anatomy and Development of the Nervous system of Nematostella vectensis, an Anthozoan Cnidarian. Developmental Neurobiology, 69: 235-254.


Apprill AM, H Marlow, MQ Martindale, and MS Rappé (2009). The onset of microbial associations in the coral Pocillopora meandrina. International Society for Microbial Ecology, 3: 685-699.


Sullivan JC, D Sher, M Eisenstein, K Shigesada, A M Reitzel, H Marlow, D Levanon, Y Groner, J R Finnerty and U Gat (2008). The evolutionary origin of the Runx/CBFbeta transcription factors – Studies of the most basal metazoans. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8:228


Marlow H and MQ Martindale (2007). Embryonic development in two species of scleractinian coral embryos: zooxanthellae localization and gastrulation mechanism. Evol. Dev. 9, 355-367.


Lee PN, S Kumburegama, H Marlow, MQ Martindale and AH Wikramanayake (2007). Evolution of the primary egg axis in the sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis. Developmental Biology 310: 169-186.


Matus DQ, K Pang, H Marlow, G Thomsen, MQ Martindale. (2006). Molecular evidence for deep evolutionary roots of bilaterality in animal development. PNAS. 103(30); 1195-1200.