Friday, November 18th 2022–Neil Verma, “Obsession, from Map to Strategy”

Please join us in Cobb 311 this Friday, November 18th, from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm for our third Mass Culture meeting of the fall quarter. We are excited to have Neil Verma (Northwestern) present a chapter titled “Obsession, from Map to Strategy.” Joel Sutherland (CMS, Ph.D.) will provide a response. Please email Wolfgang ( and Joel ( with any […]

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Friday November 4th–Joel Sutherland, Mass Culture Revisited Reading Group

Please join us this Friday, November 4th, from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in Cobb 311 for our first Mass Culture Workshop. We are excited to begin our quarter with a reading group on mass culture. For this session, we will read and discuss two short pieces, Theodore Adorno’s “Culture Industry Reconsidered” and Agnes Gayraud’s Dialectics of Pop. By juxtaposing […]

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