February 28: Allison Kanter, “Identity, Contamination, and Mortality in Todd Field’s Tár”

“Identity, Contamination, and Mortality in Todd Field’s Tár” Allison Kanter, MAPH Student, University of Chicago Respondent: Desiree Foerster, Senior Research Associate, Cinema and Media Studies, University of Chicago February 28th, 11:00–12:30, Cobb 311   Please join us on Friday, February 28th, for our third Mass Culture workshop of winter quarter.   Allison Kanter Mass Culture […]

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February 14: Wolfgang Boehm, “Photographic Counterfeiting, Cinema, and the Tactility of Money”

“Photographic Counterfeiting, Cinema, and the Tactility of Money” Wolfgang Boehm, PhD Candidate, Cinema & Media Studies, University of Chicago Respondent: Cassandra Guan, Assistant Professor, Cinema & Media Studies, University of Chicago February 14th, 11:00–12:30, Cobb 311   Please join us on Friday, February 14th, for our second Mass Culture workshop of winter quarter.   Wolfgang […]

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