April 5: Johanna Pacyga, PhD Candidate in Anthropology: “Growing an African Church: Indigenous Sisters and the Expansion of the French Mission to Senegal.” Discussant: Deirdre Lyons, PhD Candidate in History
(4pm, John Hope Franklin Room, SSRB 224)
April 12: Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu, PhD Candidate in History, Université de Caen: “De la guerre au “doux commerce” : les conséquences de la paix en Normandie.” Discussant: Oliver Cussen, PhD Candidate in History
(4pm, SPECIAL LOCATION: Tea Room, SSRB 2nd floor)
April 15 (Monday): Arthur Goldhammer, Center for European Studies at Harvard University, “Stung by Yellow Vests: The Revolt against the Republican Elite”
(12-1:30pm, John Hope Franklin Room, SSRB 224. Lunch served, though please RSVP in advance)
(12-1:30pm, John Hope Franklin Room, SSRB 224. Lunch served, though please RSVP in advance)
May 3: Thomas Dodman, Assistant Professor of French, Columbia University, “When Emile went to war: becoming a citizen-soldier”
(4pm, John Hope Franklin Room, SSRB 224)
May 7: Patrick Boucheron, Professor of History, Collège de France, “Writing History : World History and Historiographical Nationalism” with commentary by Stéphane Gerson, Professor of French, New York University, and translator of Histoire mondiale de la France.
(SSRB 224, 4:30 pm)
May 17: Jennifer Cole, Professor and Chair, Department of Comparative Human Development, “The Traffic in Husbands: Extending Networks Transnationally“
(4pm, Wieboldt 207)
May 24: Henry Shah, Shriver Center on Poverty Law, “‘Un jour, je ne serai plus rom !’. Vers une ethnographie intersectionnelle des revendications citoyennes des jeunes migrant.e.s européen.e.s.“
(4pm, John Hope Franklin Room, SSRB 224)
May 31: Amine Bouhayat, PhD student in Romance Languages and Literatures, “Archéologie de l’impérialisme: Les relations internationales dans la tragédie française d’Ancien Régime (Corneille, Racine, Voltaire)”
(4pm, John Hope Franklin Room, SSRB 224) *Followed by the end-of-the-year potluck*