Dear all,
Welcome back from spring break! Mark your calendars: this quarter is chock full of fabulous workshops with presentations ranging from proposals to dissertation materials to postdoc research and a guest presenter. As usual, all sessions will take place on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. in the Logan Terrace Seminar Room (801). Join us for delicious food and drink, and fabulous conversation of course!
April 2
Guest Presenter: Daphne Tan, Indiana University
“Ernst Kurth on Form and Erformung

April 9
Michelle Urberg
“Liturgical Accretions, Manuscript Production, and the Female Scribes at Vadstena Abbey”

April 23

May 7
Daniel Callahan, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
“In Search of Lost Movement”

May 21
A Pair of Proposals

June 4
Marcy Pierson
“The Voice under Erasure at Darmstadt and beyond”

See you there!

Ana and Chelsea