August Sheehy: “Is Music Analysis a Spiritual Exercise?”

First workshop of the Spring Quarter!!  Tuesday, April 24 @4:30pm in JRL 264.Refreshments will be served. ABSTRACT “It is no longer quite fashionable these days to use the word ‘spiritual,’” observed the eminent French historian of ancient philosophy Pierre Hadot. Yet he found the term necessary in order to explain practices of philosophy  before before…

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Spring Quarter 2012

We’re pleased to announce our Spring quarter schedule with five excellent workshops: Tuesday, 24-April: August Sheehy Tuesday, 8-May: Marcy Pierson Tuesday, 15-May: Chelsea Burns Monday, 22-May: Mary Caldwell Tuesday, 29-May: Melanie Zeck All workshops will be held in JRL 264 at 4:30—refreshments will be provided! Abstracts and pre-circulated materials will be posted here at the…

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Peter Smucker: “Narrative Time and Space in the Late Works of Elliott Carter.” Tuesday, March 6@3:30pm in JRL 264

Final workshop of the Winter Quarter!! Come celebrate the end of the quarter with Peter Smucker, graduate student at the University of Chicago in music history and theory, and work from his dissertation proposal!  Tuesday, March 6@3:30pm in JRL 264. Refreshments will be served. Please note that there is an audio clip and pre-circulated materials–see below…

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Special Workshop! Jairo Moreno: “Music Theory as Tool-Being.” March 1, JRL 264@3:00-4:30pm

We pleased to announce a special student-faculty session with Professor Jairo Moreno sponsored by the Workshop on Music History/Theory on March 1@ 3:00-4:30 in JRL 264.   Professor Moreno’s presentation, titled “Music Theory as Tool-Being” is open to all Music Department faculty and students and will address Moreno’s concerns about the domain of music theory today.  It will…

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Bennett Zon: “Evolution and spiritual selection in Victorian musical culture” on February 21@3:00pm in Fulton Recital Hall

Announcing a special workshop co-sponsored by the Music History/Theory Workshop, the EthNoise! Ethnomusicology Workshop, the 18th/19th Century Cultures Workshop, and the Nicholson Center for British Studies.  On February 21, @3:00pm at the Fulton Recital Hall, Professor Bennett Zon, from Durham University UK, will present his work on “Evolution and spiritual selection in Victorian musical culture.”…

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Andrew Westerhaus: “Stravinsky’s ‘Blocks’: Analogies and Metaphors of Play” February 14, 2012 @ 3:30pm in JRL 264

We’re pleased to announce the next presenter for the Music History/Theory Workshop on February 14, 3:30pm, in the library seminar room, JRL 264. Andrew Westerhaus, graduate student at the University of Chicago, will be presenting an excerpt from his dissertation, titled“Stravinsky’s ‘Blocks’: Analogies and Metaphors of Play.” The pre-circulated writing is available here–for the password please…

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Andy Greenwood-“Music and Human Improvement in the Scots Songs of Allan Ramsay to Joseph Haydn” January 10, 2012, JRL 264 at 3:30pm

We’re pleased to announce the next presenter for the Music History/Theory Workshop on January 10, 3:30pm, in the library seminar room, JRL 264. Andy Greenwood, PhD candidate in Music History and Theory at the University of Chicago, will be presenting work from his dissertation.The pre-circulated chapter will be available  under the download tab. Please contact…

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Winter Quarter Schedule!

We’re pleased to announce our winter quarter schedule with five excellent workshops: Tuesday, 10-Jan: Andy Greenwood Tuesday, 7-Feb: Seth Brodsky Tuesday, 14-Feb: Andy Westerhaus Monday, 20-Feb: @ 5:00 Trent Leipert (note the time and day change!) Tuesday, 6-Mar: Peter Smucker All workshops will be held in JRL 264—refreshments will be provided! Abstracts and pre-circulated materials…

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