Neurocritical Care and Acute Stroke for Physcians
Target Audience
The Neurocrtical Care course is geared toward but, not limited to, neurocritical care doctors, neurosurgeons, neurointensivists, neurologists, emergentologists, internal medicine specialists, cardiologists and nurses who work in critical care sectors.
Provide a refresher of the most frequent pathologies that compromise the nervous system through a distance learning method and with audiovisual technological resources.
Course Format
This course is delivered in Spanish and completely online. There are seven modules covering different themes:
- Neurophysiology: Pathophysiology of Brain Injury, Brain Metabolism
- Neuroimages: Brain Tomography, Brain and Column Resonance, Brain Angiography
- Neuromonitoring: Endocranial Pressure, External Ventricular Drainage, Transcranial Doppler, Oxygenation, Electroencephalogram
- Cerebral Vascular Pathology: Subaracnoid Hemorrhage, Ischemic Stroke, Spontaneous Intracerebral Hematoma, Vascular Malformations, Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
- Trauma: Cranioencephalic Trauma, Spinal Trauma
- Alterations of the State of Consciousness: Evaluation of Coma, Delirium, Brain Death
- Special Topics: Infectious Pathology, Cerebral Edema, Neuromuscular Pathology, Epileptic Status, Sodium Alterations, and Sedation
Presentations are lectured by various area content expert and can be accessed at any time according to the availability of the participants and until the end date of the course.
Each module includes supplemental readings, assignments, and a discussion forum. There are two quizzes, one at the halfway point and a final, which have to be completed in order to receive the certificate.
Participants will also have access to periodic webinars hosted by the faculty.
Accessing the course
Once the course begins, each participant can enter the online course using the website address that is emailed to them after registration. The online format allows participants to make use of all resources until the end of the course without a time limit and as many times as desired.
In addition to engaging in the discussion forums and completing the required workshops, participants must successfully pass a multiple choice midterm and final exam.
Certificate of Completion
Awarded by the University of Chicago Biological Sciences Division.
Participants pay a total of $150 to complete the certificate.
The next course starts May 18, 2023.
Registration Open
Registration is currently open until May 13, 2023.