Welcome to OrthoACCESS 2025!

What is OrthoACCESS?

OrthoACCESS (Ortho Acting-Intern Coordinated Clinical Education and Surgical Skills Curriculum) is a resource for teaching the basics of orthopaedic surgery to fourth year medical students. The curriculum was developed in 2019 and is hosted yearly by a multi-institutional group of orthopaedic surgeons from across the country.


How does OrthoACCESS work?

The OrthoACCESS Curriculum is a 16-topic hybrid, flipped-classroom curriculum adapted for the current clinical learning environment. It will be hosted May-August 2025, and structured as follows:

  • During a given week, participants will learn a topic through direct faculty education or by watching webinar recordings on our website.
  • Utilize learning resources (including Anki cards, scut sheets, etc.) to facilitate consolidation and application of the material
  • The following Tuesday at 7:30pm, we will hold a virtual case discussion


2024 Topics and Case Discussion Schedule


For Faculty

As a faculty member, there are two primary ways to get involved in OrthoACCESS.

  • 1. Become an OrthoACCESS institution: Sign your program up for OrthoACCESS, and you and your co-faculty will receive FREE weekly lectures to provide to your rotating students. Past programs have greatly appreciated using these lectures to enhance medical student training and improve student perception of the program.
  • 2. Become a case discussion moderator: Sign up to write and present cases on a specific topic via Zoom webinar to medical students across the nation. This is an excellent way to meet and engage with students as well as get the word out about your program.


Why OrthoACCESS?

Preclinical medical education on musculoskeletal conditions is lacking, and as a result, medical students pursuing orthopaedic surgery rely heavily on clinical rotations and sub-internships to prepare for their internships. However, there is no standardized curriculum during these clinical experiences ensuring students are well-equipped for residency. OrthoACCESS fills this gap.