About the Population Research Center
The University of Chicago has a long-standing tradition of multi-disciplinary demographic research. The Population Research Center (PRC) provides our researchers with infrastructure, financial support, and the imprimatur to focus on issues of population research and social policy. The divisions and schools that support the PRC include: Division of the Social Sciences, Biological Sciences Division, Booth School of Business, School of Social Service Administration, Harris School of Public Policy, and NORC.

The primary research foci are traditional areas of strength for our investigators.
- Sex and Reproductive Health
- Economics, education and the labor market
- Health and Disease Across Lifespan
- Measurement and Methods
Associate Membership to the PRC open to University of Chicago Faculty and NORC researchers with demonstrated activity and scholarly commitment to population science. Early career (untenured) Associates are assigned mentors and eligible for pilot research funds. All Associates are eligible for pre- and post-award guidance, grant management assistance, and research development support.
Affiliates to the PRC are off-site population scientists currently collaborating with Associates.
The PRC is located in a dedicated space within the Social Science Research Center located on the third floor of 1155 East 60th Street.
The PRC hosts a variety of programing for members and the wider university community
- Donald J Bogue Demography Workshop
- Early Career Pilot Research Program
- Mentor Program
- Junior Fellows Program