We hope you will join us on Friday, May 29, from 5-7pm, in the A10 Barroom for a celebratory happy hour concluding the first year of the Post-1945 Workshop! (Please note an earlier e-mail advertised the date for Thursday, but… Continue Reading →
Please join us Monday, May 11, from 11:30am-1:20pm in Cochrane-Woods Art Center room 152, for a double session of the Post-1945 Workshop featuring two papers that discuss international political rights movements in the postwar French empire. The papers, to be… Continue Reading →
The Post-1945 Workshop is pleased to co-sponsor an event with the Human Rights Workshop featuring Joseph Slaughter (Columbia), who will present a work-in-progress, “Perfect Gentlemen: The Human, The Person, and Other Curious Creatures of Human Rights.” Wednesday, May 6 4:30-6:00pm… Continue Reading →
Join us Monday, April 27, from 12-1:20pm in Cochrane-Woods Art Center room 152, to workshop a paper by Chandani Patel (Comp. Lit.), “Coolies, Convicts, and other Outcastes: Ship Families and Transcultural Belonging in Amitav Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies.” Refreshments will… Continue Reading →
Join us Monday, April 13, from 12-1:20pm in Cochrane-Woods Art Center room 152, to workshop a chapter by Patrick Kelly (History), “Salvation in Small Steps: Latin America and the Making of Global Human Rights Politics.” Refreshments will be served, but… Continue Reading →
Please join us for a lunch-time Post-1945 Workshop next Monday, April 6, with visiting faculty Neda Atanasoski (Feminist Studies, UC Santa Cruz) and Kalindi Vora (Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego), who will present their chapter-in-progress, “Surrogate Humanity: Posthuman Networks and the… Continue Reading →
Schedule for Spring 2015: Transnational Networks We are pleased to announce our schedule of speakers and events for Spring 2015. We will meet on alternating Mondays from noon-1:20pm. All workshops will be held in Cochrane-Woods Art Center 152, but please note alternate… Continue Reading →
Join us Monday, March 2, at noon in Wieboldt 130, to workshop our final paper of the winter quarter, a draft chapter by Jake Smith (History): “‘Strangers in a Dead Land’: Intimacy, Ritual, and Translocal Aesthetics in the European Youth Revolts of 1980-81.”… Continue Reading →
Join us Monday, February 16, at noon in Wieboldt 130, to workshop two short papers: Chaz Lee (Music), “Love, in the Classical Style,” on the film version of Cloud Atlas; and Luke Fidler (Art History), “Steve McQueen’s Poetics of Obscurity,” on Western Deep, McQueen’s 2002 video… Continue Reading →
Please join us for pizza, drinks, and a screening of Western Deep and Cloud Atlas! These films will be discussed in the papers for our next regular workshop session, by Chaz Lee (Music) and Luke Fidler (Art History). But attendance at the screening… Continue Reading →
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