Join us Monday, February 16, at noon in Wieboldt 130, to workshop two short papers: Chaz Lee (Music), “Love, in the Classical Style,” on the film version of Cloud Atlas; and Luke Fidler (Art History), “Steve McQueen’s Poetics of Obscurity,” on Western Deep, McQueen’s 2002 video installation.

Copies of the drafts, to be read in advance, can be downloaded here (Chaz’s paper) and here (Luke’s paper).  If you are having issues accessing the files, please e-mail Rowan Bayne at


Refreshments will be served, but please feel free to bring your own lunch.

For a full schedule of the Post-1945 Workshop, whose winter theme is “Mediated Publics,” please visit our blog.

We are committed to making our workshop fully accessible. Questions, requests, or concerns should be directed to or