What is happening in and around the lab
Prince lab represents at Midwest Zebrafish Meeting
Lab members Elaine and Clare attended the 2022 Midwest Zebrafish Meeting this past weekend! They traveled to the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio to chat science, hear exciting talks, and present their own research. Elaine gave a talk entitled “Quest for the crest: fate mapping the zebrafish neural crest using a photoconvertible lineage labeling approach” and Clare presented her poster “Characterizing the genetic regulation of the zebrafish posterior neural crest and its evolution in vertebrates”.

Prince lab paper makes cover of Developmental Biology!
The lab’s recent work investigating the role of Cdx4 in zebrafish trunk neural crest development generated not only spectacular science but spectacular images! A confocal microscopy image of the neural crest cells (magenta) in a chimeric cdx4 mutant embryo made the cover of the December 2021 edition of Developmental Biology. The image accompanies the lab’s most recent paper “Zebrafish Cdx4 regulates neural crest cell specification and migratory behaviors in the posterior body”, which you can check out here.

Cdx4 paper is published!
Results from the lab’s most recent project investigating the function of the homeodomain transcription factor Cdx4 in posterior neural crest development have just been published in the journal Developmental Biology. The paper, entitled “Zebrafish Cdx4 regulates neural crest cell specification and migratory behaviors in the posterior body” was spearheaded by recent graduate Dr. Manny Rocha and features contributions from many lab members. Check it out here!