What is happening in and around the lab
Vicky is elected President of the Society for Developmental Biology!
As of Monday, Vicky is now the President-elect of the Society for Developmental Biology. The news was announced at the first day of this year’s SDB Annual Meeting. Get excited for SDB 2023, which Vicky will be organizing here in Chicago!

Ruby graduates!
Congratulations to Ruby Schnirman, long-time lab undergrad (and most recently the part-time technician), who graduated earlier this month with a degree in Biological Sciences with Research Honors. While in the lab, she studied neural crest cell development and completed a senior thesis entitled “A role for the transcription factor cdx4 in trunk neural crest specification”. Ruby will be sorely missed as she departs for her new job as a post-baccalaureate fellow at the NIH, where she will be working in Dr. Terry Yamaguchi’s lab.

Preprint of Notch paper released on bioRxiv
A preprint of work done by Dr. Claudia Linker’s lab at King’s College London in collaboration with former Prince lab graduate student, Dr. Manny Rocha, is now available on bioRxiv! In the paper, “Notch controls the cell cycle to define leader versus follower identities during collective cell migration”, they describe their findings concerning how trunk neural crest migratory behaviors in the zebrafish are defined by the interaction of Notch signaling and cell cycle progression. Check it out here!