What is happening in and around the lab
Izzy’s lateral line innervation review is published!
An article by lab undergrad Izzy Cisneros reviewing the comparative anatomy of fish lateral line innervation patterns was just published in UChicago’s undergraduate research journal, Scientia. Check out this thorough review (with some awesome figures) on p. 24 of the Winter 2021 issue of Scientia here!

Lab undergrads write about axolotls and vaccines
Undergraduate students Clare, Izzy, & Sweta (now an MD/PhD student at UPenn) have been prolific science writers and editors in Spectrum blog of the Triple Helix, UChicago’s undergraduate science journalism organization. Check out their articles about axolotl regeneration (written by Clare Booth and edited by Izzy Cisneros) and the search for a COVID-19 vaccine (written by Sweta Narayan). And get excited for Izzy’s upcoming review of lateral line nerves in Scientia, the Triple Helix’s undergraduate research journal!

Prince Lab twitter account hatches
Follow us on our newest social media platform at @PrinceLab_UofC, run by graduate student Vish!