- ETSG – Engineering Technical Support Group.
- Small jobs – Those estimated to require less than 4 hours of effort.
- Normal size jobs – Those estimated to require between 4 and 160 hours of effort.
- Large jobs – Those estimated to require more than 160 hours of effort.
Job Prioritization
- Work is generally performed on a first come, first served basis for small and normal size jobs.
- New jobs will be worked into the existing ETSG work schedule and an estimated time for completion will be provided to the requester. This estimate will depend on the current project load.
- The scheduling of large projects will be negotiated and must fit into the ETSG work schedule.
- Small jobs may, at the discretion of ETSG personnel, be “slipped in” to be completed more quickly.
- Scheduling conflicts that cannot be resolved by the ETSG staff will be referred to the PSD ETSG steering committee lead by the ETSG Faculty Officer.
- The cost for projects is based hourly rates set by the PSD Dean’s office.
- Consultation on the time and effort required for new small and normal size jobs is done at no cost.
- An estimate of the cost of a job will be provided before work is begun. A guaranteed not-to-exceed cost can be negotiated.
- The costs of large projects and contingency will be negotiated.
Rates are as follows:
- Jr Engineer – $80/hr
- Engineer – $100/hr
- Senior engineer – $145/hr