Previous Lab Members
- Lingbowei Hu, Ph.D., 7/19/21, University of Chicago
B.S. 2012, Fudan University; M.S. 2016, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation: Hydrogen Bond Mediated [3 + 3] Cycloaddition Reactions of Oxyallyl Cations with Nitrones and Total Syntheses of Pentacyclic Ambiguine Natural Products
Present Position: Scientist, Bristol Myers Squibb, Boston.
- Ferdinand Taenzler, Ph.D. 5/21/21, University of Chicago.
B.S., 2015, University of Texas at Dallas
Dissertation: Application and Development of the Reactions of Oxyallyl Cations and Synthetic Studies Towards Ambiguine Q
- Jiasu Xu, Ph.D. 7/26/2019, University of Chicago
B.S. 2013, Fudan University
Dissertation: Synthetic Studies toward Ambiguine Natural Products and Total Synthesis of (-)-Ambiguine P
Present Position: Medicinal chemist, Roche Innovation Center, Shanghai.
- Pavel Elkin, Ph.D. 4/26/2018, University of Chicago
B.S., M.S. 2012, Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia.
Dissertation: Advances in Pericyclic Reactions: 1. Highly Reactive Aminodienes for Diels-Alder Reaction; 2. Dearomative Indolo-Claisen Rearrangements; 3. Synthetic Studies Towards Hinckdentine A and Melonine
Present Position: Present Position: Senior Research Scientist, AbbVie, Abbott Park, IL.
- Michael Rombola, Ph.D., 5/3/2018, University of Chicago.
B.S. 2011, Cornell University. UChicago, 2013-2018.
Development and Application of Thiosquaramides and Bispyridiniums as Hydrogen-Bond Donor Catalysts
Postdoctoral Fellow with Sarah Reisman, CalTech.
Present Position: Research Chemist, Janssen R&D, La Jolla/San Diego.
- Chintan Sumaria, Ph. D., 2017, University of Chicago.
B.Sc./M.S. 2011, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (with Kaliappan), Mumbai, India.
Dissertation: Cycloaddition Reactions of 1,2-Diazines and Siloxy Alkynes; Development and Application of
Deltic Ureas and Thiosquaramides as Dual Hydrogen-Bond Donor Catalysts
- Lan Luo, Ph.D. 4/25/16, Jointly with Hisashi Yamamoto
Dissertation: Metal-Catalyzed Asymmetric Epoxidation and Its Related Reactions
Present Position: Patent agent, C4 Therapeutics
- Julius Reyes, Ph. D. 2015, University of Chicago.
B.S. 2010, University of California, Berkeley (Sarpong and Streitwieser)
Dissertation: “Total Synthesis and Methods Inspired by (-)-N-Methylwelwitindolinone B Isothiocyanate”
Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Munich with Dirk Trauner.
Present Position: Senior Research Scientist, AbbVie, Abbott Park, IL.
- Thomas Montgomery, Ph.D., 2015, University of Chicago.
Dissertation: “Studies on Palladium Catalyzed Functionalization of Indoles, Synthesis of Piperidines and
Rhodium Catalyzed Binol Arylation”
B.S. 2010, St. Mary’s College of Maryland (Andrew Koch)
Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Pennsylvania with Amos Smith.
Present Position: Assistant Professor, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Kin Yang, Ph.D., 2015, University of Chicago.
B.S. 2010, Syracuse University (Donald Dittmer)
Dissertation: “The development and application of enantioselective reactions of masked acyl cyanide reagents” Postdoctoral Fellow: Scripps Research Institute.
Present Position: Research Chemist at Gilead.
- Yunus E. Türkmen, 2006-2012, Ph.D., 7/12/13, University of Chicago.
B.Sc., 2005; M.Sc., 2006, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Dissertation: “Synthetic Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Aspidophytine; Development of Novel Hydrogen-Bonding Catalysts; Silver Catalyzed Formal Inverse Electron-Demand Diels-Alder Reaction
of 1,2-Diazines and Siloxy Alkynes”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Varinder Aggarwal, Bristol University, UK.
Present Position: Associate Professor, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
- Ye Zhu, 2006-2012, Ph.D., 5/3/12
B.S. Peking University, Beijing, China
Ph.D. Thesis: “Studies on Squaramide–Catalyzed Phospha–Michael Addition and Palladium–Catalyzed Indole Functionalization Reactions”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Stephen Buchwald, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research Chemist at Bristol Myers Squibb, NJ.
Present: Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore.
- Vikram Bhat, 2005-2011, Ph.D., 7/12/11, University of Chicago.
B.S./M.S. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Ph.D. Thesis: “General Strategy Toward the Total Synthesis of Welwitindolinone Alkaloids”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Robert Grubbs and Brian Stoltz, CalTech
Present Position: Senior Research Scientist, AbbVie, Abbott Park, IL.
- Gerri Hutson, 2005-2010, Ph.D., 3/9/10, University of Chicago.
B.S. Northern Illinois University; M.S. 2005, University of Chicago
Ph.D. Thesis: “Modified Salen Catalysts in Atom-Economic Reactions: Enantioselective Carbonyl-Ene and Nazarov Cyclization Reactions”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Karl Scheidt, Northwestern University
Present Position: Technical Advisor, Leydig, Voit, & Mayer, Chicago, IL.
- Joji Hayashida, 2005-2009, Ph.D., 05/09, University of Chicago
B.S. 2004, University of Tsukuba, Japan; M.S. 2005, University of Chicago
Ph.D. Thesis: “Synthetic Studies on Bioactive Natural Products”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Samuel Danishefsky, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, 2009-2011
Present position: Process Chemist, Astellas Pharma (2011-)
- Apurva H. Dave, 2004-2008, Ph.D., 05/08, University of Chicago
B.S. 2000, University of California, Berkeley; M.S. 2004, University of Chicago
Ph.D. Thesis: “Synthetic Studies Towards Hapalindoles”
Present Position: Scientific Writer and Account Executive, Prescott Medical Communications Group
- John Jewett, 2004-2008, Ph.D., 05/08, University of Chicago
B.S. 2003, Dartmouth College; M. S. 2004, University of Chicago
Ph.D. Thesis: “Total Synthesis in the Pederin Family of Natural Products”
Present Position: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona
- Vijaya Bhasker Gondi, 2003-2008, Ph.D., 04/08, University of Chicago
B.S./M.S. 2002, Indian Institute of Technology; M. S. 2003, University of Chicago
Ph.D. Thesis: “Asymmetric Catalysis of Carbon-Carbon Bond Forming Reactions Using Hydrogen Bonding”
Postdoctoral Fellow with K.C. Nicolaou, Scripps Research Institute
Present Position: Senior Research Chemist at Macrolide Pharmaceuticals.
- Jeff McGilvra, 2001-2007, Ph.D., 04/07, University of Chicago
B.S. 2001, University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point; M.S. 2002, University of Chicago
Ph.D. Thesis: “Total Synthesis of Phomactin C, Evaluation of Phomactin Related Compounds for PAF Antagonism; Catalytic Enantioselective Diels-Alder Reactions of 2- and 3-Stannyl-1-aminobutadienes”
Present Position: Senior Scientist, Cedarburg Hauser Pharmaceuticals
- Ana R. Stankovic, 2000-2006, Ph.D., 02/06, University of Chicago
B.A. 2000, Smith College; M.S. 2001, University of Chicago
Ph.D. Thesis: “Synthetic Studies Towards Elisabethanes: Asymmetric Synthesis of (-)-Elisapterosin B, (-)- Elisapterosin C, and (+)-Elisabethin A”
Present Position: Heavy Fuel Oil Technologist, Shell Global Solutions
- Aditya Unni, 1998-2004, Ph.D., 07/04, University of Chicago
B.A. 1994, St. Olaf College; M.S. 1999, University of Chicago
Ph.D. Thesis: “Asymmetric catalysis of hetero-Diels-Alder reactions through hydrogen bonding”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Tohru Fukayama, Tohoku University
Present Position: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
- Norito Takenaka, 1997-2002, Ph.D., 10/02, University of Chicago
B.A. M.A. 1996, Boston University with Jim Panek
Ph.D. Thesis: “Synthetic Studies Directed Towards the Total Synthesis of Marine-Derived Natural Product Eleutherobin; Synthetic Studies of Indole Alkaloids”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Hisashi Yamamoto, University of Chicago
Present Position: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Florida Institute of Technology.
- Yong Huang, 1997-2002, Ph.D., 07/02, University of Chicago
B.S. 1997, Peking University
Ph.D. Thesis: “Exploration of the New Horizons of Diels-Alder Reactions”
Postdoctoral Fellow with David MacMillan, Caltech
Present Position: Professor of Chemistry, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University
- Hilary Dorr Lang, 1996-2001, Ph.D., 05/01, University of Chicago
B.S. 1994, University of California-Santa Cruz; 1994-1996: Chiron Corp.
Ph.D. Thesis: “The Intramoleculer Diels-Alder Reaction of Photochemically Generated Trans-Cycloalkenones”
Present Position: Associate, Patterson Intellectual Property Law, Nashville, TN
- Shuwen He, 1996-2001, Ph.D., 05/01, University of Chicago
B.S. 1994, Beijing University; 1996, University of Syracuse
Ph.D. Thesis: “1. Highly Diastereoselelctive Asymmetric Thio-Claisen Rearrangement 2. Total Synthesis of Strychnos Alkaloids”
Present Position: Senior Research Chemist, Medicinal Chemistry, Merck Research Laboratories, NJ.
- Vladimir B. Birman, 1996-2000, Ph.D., 08/00, University of Chicago
B.S. 1995, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Ph.D. Thesis: “Application of the Heck Cyclization Methodology to the Synthesis of Geissoschizine and Strictamine”
Postdoctoral Fellow (NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship) with Samuel Danishefsky, Columbia University
Present Position: Associate Professor, Washington University in St. Louis
- Gilles Chambournier, 1993-1995, Ph.D., 07/98, completed w/ Professor David Hart, Ohio State University
B.S. 1993, École Superior de Chimie Industrielle de Lyon
Ph.D. Thesis: “I. Free Radical Cyclizations for Carbocycle Synthesis. II. Diastereoselective Synthesis of an Enantiopure Perhydroindole”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Robert E. Gawley, University of Miami
Present Position: Director, Process Chemistry and GMP Chemistry, Cayman Chemical
- Sergey A. Kozmin, 1994-1998, Ph.D., 06/98, University of Chicago
B.S. 1993, Moscow State University
Ph.D. Thesis: “[4+2] Cycloadditions of Amino Siloxy Dienes: Applications to the total syntheses of (-)-alpha-Elemene and (±)-Tabersonine”
Postdoctoral Fellow with A. B. Smith, University of Pennsylvania
Present Position: Professor of Chemistry, University of Chicago
- Curt Dvorak, 1993-1997, Ph.D., 12/17/97, University of Chicago
B.S. 1992, Illinois State University
Ph.D. Thesis: “A. Asymmetric Benzoin Catalysis by Chiral Thiazolium Salts. B. Stereoselective Synthesis of (±)-Modhephene”
Postdoctoral Fellow with A. I. Meyers, Colorado State University
Present Position: Senior Research Chemist, Johnson & Johnson
- David Hennings, 1993-1997, Ph.D., 11/19/97, University of Chicago
B.S. 1992, Northeast Missouri State University
Ph.D. Thesis: “Synthesis of Heterocycles and Biaryls via Anion-Accelerated Palladium-Mediated Coupling Reactions”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Robert M. Williams, Colorado State University
Present Position: Senior Research Scientist, Array BioPharma
- Christine Marie Koebel Rademacher, 1992-1997, Ph.D., 08/97, Ohio State University
B.S. 1991, Miami University of Ohio
Ph.D. Thesis: “Synthetic Studies Toward Pederic Acid and Photochromic Crown Ethers”
Postdoctoral Fellow with William J. Brittain, University of Akron
Present Position: Section Manager, Bridgestone Americas
- Hua Marlon Zhong, 1991-1995, Ph.D., 07/95, Ohio State University
B.S. 1984, M.S. 1987, Zhejiang University, P.R. China
Ph.D. Thesis: “I. Formation of Medium Sized Rings via BetaScission of Alkoxy Radicals. II. One-Step Conversion of Esters to Acyl Azides Using Et2AlN3. III. Studies of the Asymmetric Synthesis of the Right Part of Mycalamides and Related Compounds”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Bruce Maryanoff, R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Institute
Present Position: President, PharmaAdvance, Inc.
- Venkat Krishnamurthy, 1989-1995, Ph.D., 05/95, Ohio State University
B.S. 1988, University of Madras, Madras, India
Ph.D. Thesis: “The Oxiranyl Carbinyl Radical Rearrangement: Synthetic Applications and Kinetic Studies”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Vittorio Farina, Boehringer Ingleheim Pharmaceuticals
Present Position: Research Chemist, Occidental Chemical Corporation
- Claire Dufour, 1989-1993, Ph.D., 09/93, Ohio State University
B.S. 1988, École Supérieure de Chimie Industrielle de Lyon, Lyon, France
Ph.D. Thesis: “A. Novel Route to Di- and Triquinanes by Photocyclization-Fragmentation of Norbornanes. B. Stereoselective Synthesis of Isocomene”
Postdoctoral Fellow with Roussel Ulcal Pharmaceuticals, Paris, France
Present Position: Researcher, INRA & University of Avignon.
- Christophe Michoud, 1989-1993, Ph.D., 05/93, Ohio State University
B.S. 1988, École Supérieure de Chimie Industrielle de Lyon, Lyon, France
Ph.D. Thesis: “Studies Directed Toward the Synthesis of Strychnos Alkaloids: Stereoselective Synthesis of Dehydrotubifoline,” Postdoctoral Fellow with Michael Visnick, Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.
Present Position: Research Leader, Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.
- Ian Bencomo, 2017
- Xuelei Shirley Guo, 2010-2011 (University of Chicago)
B.S. University of California, Berkeley (Sarpong)
Research chemist at AbbVie, and BMS.
Present Position: Graduate Student at UC Berkeley.
- Zachary Gates, NSF Predoctoral Fellowship, 2009-2010 B.S. 2007, University of Chicago
B.S. University of Chicago, Ph.D. University of Chicago. (w/ Stephen Kent)
Present Position: Postdoctoral Associate, MIT.
- Corey Kilbane, 2004-2008 (University of Chicago)
B.A. 2003, Washington University in St. Louis
Present Position: Chemistry Teacher at William Penn Charter School; Educational Media Developer, The Central Science, Philadelphia, PA.
- Kriti Modi, 2002-2006 (University of Chicago)
Project: “Asymmetric Synthesis of Ibogamine—en route to Vinblastine”
B.A. 2002, Cambridge University
Present Position: MBA Candidate, Yale School of Management (2011-)
- Paolina Kupresanin, 2000-2001 (University of Chicago)
Project: “Olefin Metathesis Based Approach to Pleocarpamine”
B.S. University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
Present Position: Moved to Brazil
- Molly McCarty, 1996-1997 (Ohio State University)
Project: “Paterno-Büchi Route to Angular Triquinane Natural Products”
B.S. 1994, Illinois Institute of Technology
Present Position: Clinical Sales Representative, Intuitive Surgical (2010-)
- Brian Bliss, 10/26/95 (Ohio State University)
Project: “Investigation of Cinchona Alkaloids as Catalysts in the Baylis-Hillman Reaction”
B.S. University of Vermont, VT
Present Position: Branch Manager, Albany Molecular, NY
- Andrew Eschbach, 1993-1995 (Ohio State University)
Project: “Asymmetric Synthesis of (–)-Isocomene”, 1993-1995
B.S. 1992, Hofstra University, NY
Present Position: Teacher at South-Western City Schools, OH
- Alan Florjancic, 1992-1994 (Ohio State University)
Project: “The Synthesis of Axially Chiral Biaryl Compounds”
B.S. 1991, Hiram College, OH
Present position: Senior Scientist, Abbott Laboratories (2000-)
- Robert Monestel, 1991-1993 (Ohio State University)
Project: “Synthesis of b-Substituted Pyrrolines and Pyrroles via the TMSI-Catalyzed Cyclopropyl-Iminium Ion Rearrangement”
B.S. 1991, Cumberland College, KY; M.D. 1999, Indiana University, IN
Present Position: Regional Medical Officer, US State Department, Serbia (2011-)
- Agnes Fabré, 1991-1993 (Ohio State University)
Project: “Two Applications of a Novel Sequence: Reductive Fragmentation of Twisted Polycyclic Ketoalkanes to Cis-Hydrindanes and Linear Triquinanes”
B.S. 1990, University of Orléans, Institute of Technology, France.
- Randall C. Newton, 8/9/91 (Ohio State University)
Project: “Chemistry of Radical Induced Epoxide Fragmentation”
B.S. 1988, Slippery Rock University, PA.
Present Position: Research Chemist at Merck Research Laboratories, Spring House, PA.
- Antoinette Nibbs, 2012-2015
Project: “Development of MAC (masked acyl cyanide) reagents for enantioselective conjugate addition reactions and for one-carbon homologation of alcohols. Palladium-catalyzed decarboxylative alkenylation reaction of indoles and oxindoles”
B.S. 2006, Harvard University, Ph.D. 2012, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (Karl Scheidt)
Present Position: Patent Agent, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP, Boston, MA
- Yen-Ku Wu, Postdoctoral Fellow, April 2013-March 2015
Project: Enantioselective Gassman Diels-Alder Reaction; Imino Diels-Alder Reactions; meta-Selective Diels-Alder Reactions”
B.S. 2004, M.S. 2006, National Tsing Hua University; Ph. D. 2013, University of Alberta (Fred West)
Present Position: Associate Professor, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
- Saikat Sen, August 2011-2012
Project: “Application of Asymmetric Organocatalysis to Friedel-Crafts Reactions”
S. 2003 and Ph.D. 2010, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (Goverdhan Mehta) - Kenichi Kobayashi, Postdoctoral Fellow: April 2011-April 2012
Project: “Total Synthesis of Welwitindolinone Alkaloids”
S. 2002, Rikkyo University, Japan; Ph.D. 2011, University of Tsukuba, Japan (Hideo Kigoshi)
Present Position: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Kevin Allan, Postdoctoral Fellow: 2010-2012
S. 2004, University of California-Berkeley, Ph.D. 2010, Caltech (Brian Stoltz)
Present Position: Research Scientist, Gilead Sciences (2012-) - Tin Yiu Lam, Postdoctoral (Croucher Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship): 2008-2010
Project: “Synthetic Studies Toward Catharanthine”; “Enantioselective Amination Reactions”
B.S. 2003, Caltech; Ph.D. 2008, MIT (Danheiser)
Present Position: Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Hideyuki Konishi, Postdoctoral Fellow: 2008-2009
Project: “Amination of Dicarbonyl Compounds Using of Squaramides Based Hydrogen Bond Donor Catalysts”
B.S. 2003, M.S., 2005, Ph.D. 2008, all The University of Tokyo, Japan (Shu Kobayashi)
Present Position: Associate Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Japan
- Jeremiah Malerich, Postdoctoral: 2007-2008
Project: “Development of Squaramides as Hydrogen Bond Donor Catalysts; Palladium Catalyzed 3-Allylation of Indoles”
B.S. 2001, University of Notre Dame; Ph.D. 2006, University of California-Berkeley (Dirk Trauner)
Present Position: Research Scientist at SRI International, Palo Alto, CA
- Jaime Mueller, Postdoctoral (NIH Fellow): 2005-2008
Project: “Synthetic Studies Toward Psymberin”
Ph.D. 2005, University of Utah (Matthew S. Sigman)
Present: Associate Professor and Chair of Chemistry, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, Winona, MN
- Chae Jo Lim, Postdoctoral: 2006-2007
Project: “Enantioselective Mukaiyama Aldol Reactions of Simple Ketene Acetals Promoted by Hydrogen Bonding Catalysts”
Ph.D. 2005, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Sunggak Kim)
Present Position: Chemist, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Bio-Organic Science Division
- Natsuko Kagawa, Postdoctoral (Merck-Japan Fellow): 2006-2007
Project: “Palladium Catalyzed Indole Allylation; Synthetic Studies Toward Strictamine”
Ph.D. 2005, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan (Masahiro Toyoto)
Present Position: Assistant Professor, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, (2009-)
- James A. MacKay, Postdoctoral (American Cancer Society Fellow): 2004-2007
B.S. 1999, Miami University of Ohio; Ph.D. 2004, University of Michigan (Edwin Vedejs)
Present Position: Associate Professor of Chemistry, Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA (2007-)
- Olivier Vallat, Postdoctoral (Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship): 2005-2007
Project: “Asymmetric total synthesis of (+)-Hippeastrine (Lycorine family)”
Ph.D. 2005, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland (Reinhard Neier)
Present Position: Head of R&D and Technical Support Manager, FEBEX SA, Bex, Switzerland
- Michel Gravel, Postdoctoral (NSERC Fellowship): 2004-2006
Ph.D. 2004, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (Dennis Hall)
Present Position: Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (2006-)
- Qinhua Huang, Postdoctoral: 2004-2006
Ph.D. 2004, Iowa State University (Richard Larock)
Present Position: Research Chemist at Pfizer, San Diego, CA (2006-)
- Nicole Smith, Postdoctoral (American Cancer Society Fellow): 2004-2005
Ph.D. 2004, University of California, San Diego (Murray Goodman)
Present Position: Senior Scientist, Neurocrine Biosciences, San Diego, CA (2006-)
- Raynauld Bishop, Postdoctoral: 2004-2005
B.S. University of Illinois at Chicago; Ph.D. 2000, Notre Dame University (Marvin Miller); Postdoc Ohio State University (Leo Paquette)
- Jeong-Hun Sohn, Postdoctoral Fellow: 2002-2005
Project: Synthesis and Characterization of Stable, Single ESR Band Trityl Radical Probes; Total Synthesis of Methyl Pederate and Mycalamide A”
B.S. 1994; M.S. 1996; Ph.D. 2001, in Chemistry from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Hee-Yoon Lee)
Present Position: Senior Scientist, Institut Pasteur Korea, 2005-2008; Professor of Chemistry, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea.
- Peter Johnson, Postdoctoral: 2004-2005
B.S. Cambridge University, UK, 1999; Ph.D. 2003, Oxford University, UK (Tim Donohoe)
Present Position: Medicinal Organic Chemist, VastOx, Oxford, UK
- Avinash N. Thadani, Postdoctoral Fellow (NSERC Fellow): 2001-2004
B.S. 1996; M.S., 1998; Ph.D. 2001, University of Toronto (Robert A. Batey)
Present Position: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
- Tom Houghton, Postdoctoral: 2000-2002
B.S. 1988, Oxford University, UK (S.G. Davies); Ph.D. 2000, Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada (Graham Bodwell)
Present Position: Senior Scientist, Targanta Pharmaceuticals, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2009)
- Nobuaki Waizumi, Postdoctoral (Pfizer Fellowship): 2000-2002
Project: Asymmetric Synthesis of Methyl Pederate; Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Elisapterosin B via Oxidative Cyclization of Elisabethin A”
B.S. 1994; M.S., 1996 (Kuwajima), Tokyo Institute of Technology; Ph.D. 2000, University of Tokyo (Fukuyama)
Present Position: Research Scientist, Pfizer Inc. Nagoya Laboratories, Nagoya, Japan
- Tetsuo Iwama, Postdoctoral Fellow: 1999-2001
Project: “Asymmetric Catalysis and Total Synthesis”
B.S. 1989; M.S., 1991; Ph.D. 1999, Gifu Pharmaceutical University, Japan
Present Position: Research Scientist, Schering-Plough Research Institute
- J. Reddy, Postdoctoral Fellow 1998-2000
Project: “Enantioselective Synthesis of Geissoschizine; Dipolar Cycloadditions of trans-Enones; Synthesis of Trityl Radical Probes”
Ph.D. 1998, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (Srikrishna)
Present Position: Senior Research Chemist, Merck-Frosst Center for Therapeutic Research, Kirkland, Quebec, Canada
- Richard Grainger, Postdoctoral Fellow 1996-1998
Ph.D. 1996, University of Sheffield, UK (V. K. Aggarwal)
Present Position: Senior Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, University of Birmingham, UK
- Soongyu Choi, Postdoctoral Fellow 1996-1997
Project: “Total Synthesis of Phomactins”
Ph.D. 1995, Harvard University (E. J. Corey)
Present Position: Group Leader, PTC Therapeutics
- Seiji Iwasa, Postdoctoral Fellow 1991-1995
Project: “Total Synthesis of Cardiac Steroids and Other Bioactive Natural Products, Synthesis of Strychnine”
Ph.D. 1991, Chiba University, Japan; Postdoctoral Fellow with Ryoji Noyori, ERATO Project, Research Development Corporation of Japan 1996-1997
Present Position: Professor of Chemistry, Department of Materials Science, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
- Surendra P. Singh, Postdoctoral Fellow, 1991-1994
Project: “Radical Cyclization Chemistry, Binaphthyl Derived Catalysts for Enantioselective Synthesis”
Ph.D. 1988, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India (Vankar)
Research Chemist, Merck Inc., Danville, PA. 1994-2001
Present Position: Director, Chemical Process R&D, Sepracor Inc.
- Guo-Ping Wei, Postdoctoral Fellow 1991-1992
Project: “New Approaches to Indole Alkaloids”
Ph.D. 1988, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
Research Associate, 1988-1991, China
Present Position: Research Chemist, Gilead Pharmaceuticals
Visiting Scientists
- Takashi Furuya, 2010-2011
Present Position: Research Scientist at Nihon Nohyaku Company, Ltd.
- Koji Hagihara, Visiting Scientist 2006-2007
Present Position: Senior Research Scientist at Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd., Japan.
- Mari Yotsu-Yamashita, Visiting Scientist 1994-1995
Project: “Total Synthesis of Marine Natural Products”
Ph.D. 1989, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
Present Position: Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Current Graduate Students
- Kyle Cassaidy, 2017-present
B.S. 2017, Iowa State University.
- Nathaniel Durfee, 2018-present
B.S. Middlebury College.
- Jirapon Sae-Jew, 2020-present
B.S., Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Current Postdoctoral Associates
- Sudhakar Athe, 2020-present
B.S., M.S. 2009, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
Ph.D. 2015, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology with Subhash Ghosh
Postdoc. 2016-2019, Goverdhan Mehta (University of Hyderabad); 2019-2020, with E.J. Corey (Harvard)
- Daler Baidilov, 2021-present
B.Sc., 2016, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan;
Ph.D. Brock University, St Catharines, ON, Canada, with Tomas Hudlicky
Chemoenzymatic Formal Total Syntheses of Tetrodotoxin and an Approach to Daphenylline
Past Undergraduate Students
- Zhuoyan Wang, 2018-2020
Presently: Graduate student at CalTech with Greg Fu.
- Peter Ryffel, 2017-2018
Presently: Graduate student at UIUC with David Sarlah
- Abigail Waymouth, 2019
- Ijeoma Nwabudike, 2015-2016, University of Chicago undergraduate.
- Hang Chu, 2012-2014
Present Position: Graduate student at Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA) with Phil Baran.
- Chris Price 2012-2013
Presently: Graduate Student at Northwestern University with Karl Scheidt.
- Christos Economou, 2012-2013
Presently: Graduate Student at Yale University (Seth Herzon)
- Jessica Weber, 2012-2013
Presently: Graduate Student at MIT
- Ashley Hardeman, Summer 2011. University of Chicago undergraduate student.
- Joe Bailey, 2009
B.S. University of Chicago, 2011
- Mohammad Haidar, 2008-2009
B.S. University of Chicago, 2010
Present Position: Analytic Chemist at Monosol Rx, LLC
- Hongseok Yun, Summer 2008
B.S. University of Chicago, 2010
Present Position: Graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania
- Jason Koval, January 2007
B.S. Illinois Wesleyan, 2009
Present Position: Graduate student in Environmental Chemistry at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Pete Mills, 2008
B.S. University of Chicago, 2008; M.PH. in Epidemiology, University of Oklahoma, 2010
Present Position: Student at Oklahoma University Medical School
- Danielle Sedbrook, 2006-2008
B.S. University of Chicago, 2008 (Honors Thesis); Pfizer Research Fellowship in 2007; PC Bio Fellowship
Ph.D. Columbia University (Colin Nuckolls); Present Position: Instructor in Chemistry at Columbia University.
- Su-Ann Nair, Summer 2005-2006
B.S. University of Chicago, 2006; M.S. University of Cambridge, UK, 2007
- Diana Strong, Summer 2003-2005
B.S. University of Chicago, 2005 (Honors Thesis); Masters in Public Health, Yale University, 2007
- John Anthony Parkhill, Summer 2003-2005
B.S. University of Chicago, 2005 (Honors Thesis), Pfizer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in 2004
Present: Assistant Professor, Notre Dame University.
- Pablo Guzman, Summer 2004, Undergraduate student from Chicago State University.
- Satoko Hirai, Summer 2002
B.S. University of Chicago, 2003 (Honors Thesis)
Present Position: Research Chemist at Amgen, Boston
- David M. Neils, Summer 2002
B.S. University of Chicago, 2003; Pfizer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in 2002; M.D. St. Louis University
Present Position: Neurosurgery Resident, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
- Philip W. Leonard, Summer 2000-Summer 2001
B.S. University of Chicago, 2001 (Honors Thesis); Pfizer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in 2000; Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Present Position: Postdoctoral researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Elisabeth Casey, Summer 1999
B.S. University of Chicago, 2000
Present Position: In medical school at Rush Medical College
- Oliver C. Richards, Summer 1999
B.S. University of Chicago, 2000; Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009; MBA University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011
Present Position: Director at the Beacon Group (2011-)
- Vandana Grover, 1999
B.S. University of Chicago, 2000.
- Martin J. Szafran, Summer, 1999
B.S. University of Chicago, 2001; M.D. University of Chicago, 2006
Present Position: Clinical Associate, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, University of Chicago
- Moushumi Beltangady, Summer 1998
B.S. University of Chicago, 2000; Masters of Social Work and Public Policy, University of Chicago, 2003
Present Position: Special Assistant to Deputy Assistant Secretary and Inter-Departmental Liaison for Early Childhood (2009-)
- Leslie Ann Cruz, Summer 1998
B.S. University of Chicago, 2000; Ph.D. University of California, San Francisco, 2010
Present Position: Postdoctoral scholar, Stanford University (2011-)
- Shoshana Gourdin, 1997
B.S. University of Chicago, 1999 (Honors Thesis)
Present Position: Doctoral program in Chemical Engineering at MIT
- George Myo, 1997
B.S. University of Chicago, 1999
Present Position: Founding Doctor, Arizona Hand to Shoulder PLLC
- Sharad Goel, 1996-1997
B.S. University of Chicago, 1999; M.D. Northwestern University
Present Position: Senior Research Scientist, Yahoo!
- Jacob M. Janey, 1996-1998
B.S. University of Chicago, 1998; Awarded Pfizer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in 1997; Ph.D. in Chemistry at Harvard (David Evans)
Present Position: Senior Research Chemist, Merck & Co.
- Josephine Young, 1996-1997
B.S. University of Chicago, 1997
Graduate Student, Emory University
Present Position:
- Jenny Chen, 1994-1995
B.S. Ohio State University, 1995
Present Position: Proctor & Gamble Co.
- Terry Jordan, 1994-1995
B.S. Ohio State University, 1995
- Adam Sherwat, 1992
B.S. Ohio State University, 1992; M.D. University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 1996
Present Position: Physician, Infectious Disease and Internal Medicine, Georgetown University Hospital
- Christopher Helal, 1989-1990
B.S. Ohio State University, 1991
Ph.D. 1996, Harvard University (E. J. Corey)
Present Position: Associate Research Fellow, Pfizer Inc. (1997-)
- Andrew Tebben, 1989-1990
B.S. Ohio State University, 1991
Present Position: Principal Scientist and Computational Chemistry Group Leader, Bristol Myers Squibb (2003-)
- Matthew Braun, 1989-1990
B.S. Ohio State University, 1990
Ph.D. Wayne State University (C.R. Johnson)