Professor of Economics
Office: 511
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John Melling


Selected Work in Progress

  • “The Social Construction of Race after Emancipation: US Census Racial Assignment Based on Skin Tone, Wealth, and Literacy,” with Anjali Adukia, Dan Keniston, and Ben Lualdi.
  • “Black Wealth and Opportunity after Emancipation: Freedman Bank Depositors and their Descendants after the 1874 Collapse,” with Dan Keniston.
  • “Specialization and the Extent of the Market: Smithian Growth in US Manufacturing,” with Will Cockriel, Anders Humlum, and Martin Rotemberg.
  • “Digitization of the Establishment-level Census of Manufactures from 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880,” with Anders Humlum and Martin Rotemberg.
  • After Shocks: Adaptation and Economic Growth in History’s Laboratory

Working Papers

Published and Forthcoming Papers