The Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory Blog
RSTI is a research project at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. We use the OCHRE database as our backend research platform.
Inscribed Objects
A revised edition of La Trouvaille Épigraphique de l'OugaritOne of the primary objectives of RSTI is to manage and publish a revised edition of Bordreuil and Pardee’s inventory of the inscribed objects from Ras Shamra-Ougarit. We manage this data in OCHRE. Click the button to visit the site where we present live data directly from our project database.
RSTI Online
Launch OCHRE and view the RSTI text editionsIn addition to the digital version of the updated TEO volume, we also make available a subset of our data through a Java-based front-end. Click the button to download a jnlp file that will launch Java and allow you to browse our data directly in the database. Because this feature requires Java, it is currently unavailable on mobile devices.
Blog Posts
Welcome to the RSTI blog site. This site is run by Miller Prosser. Here you will find periodic updates regarding the Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory.