Fall 2024
23 October: Student Presentation
Juan Rivera, “Sonidos Malcriados: Huelga Songs of the United Farm Workers”
4:30-6:00 pm, Logan 801
30 October: SMT/AMS Run-Throughs (Pt1)
Jacob Reed, “K-pop’s Western Sound and Korean Musical Agency” Audrey Slote, “Democratized Form: Collage and Cohesion in the Music of Bon Iver” Aimee Gonzalez, “Real y maravillosa: Reviving Colonial Music in Post-Soviet Havana”
4:30-6:00 pm, Logan 801
6 November: SMT/AMS Run-Throughs (Pt2)
Lara Balikci – “The Harmonious Universes of the Painter Remedios Varo” Nathan Friedman- ““The Jew in You”: Diasporism and Utopia in the Songs of Geoff Berner and Daniel Kahn” Reed Williams – “Gigging in the Great Migration: How Chicago Musicians Built New Careers on the South Side, 1940-1950” Natalie Farrell – “In Search of Lost Reverb Time: Orchestra Hall Renovations and the Acoustic Work Environment.”
4:30-6:30 pm, JRL 270 (264) *NOTE ROOM CHANGE
13 November: Guest Speaker
Ireri Chávez Bárcenas (Bowdoin College) – “A altas e inteligibles voces: Sounds of Blackness in the Christmas Feast in New Spain” – Co-hosted by CLAS
4:30-6:00 pm, Fulton Hall (Goodspeed) *NOTE ROOM CHANGE
4 December: The Listening Room
Listening Room: Kendrick Lamar/Drake Feud (Summer 2024)