Call for Papers

We are currently accepting paper proposals for the 2015 – 2016 academic year. We invite conference papers, dissertation chapters, papers prepared for publications, and other research and work-in-progress, concerning both research and teaching in theology and religious ethics. Master students are encouraged to present.

The Theology and Religious Ethics Workshop is an intellectual forum that hosts vibrant conversations on topics related to theology and religious ethics. Acknowledging that theology and religious ethics are two distinct areas of study, an important aim of the Workshop this year is to bring the relationship between the two disciplines into focus. Therefore we encourage all presenters to make the nature of this relationship part of their concerns while participating in the Workshop, though it need not be addressed explicitly. All methodological approaches, historical periods, and geographical contexts are welcome for discussion. Interdisciplinary approaches are highly encouraged.

We are particularly happy to announce that this year we will have five different “styles” or formats for our biweekly meetings.  We hope that by offering these different formats students will engage and experiment with different forms of intellectual inquiry.

If you are interested in presenting, please write to us with the following information:

  • A tentative title for your presentation
  • Your program and departmental affiliation
  • The format you are choosing
  • Your preferred term (fall, winter, or spring)
  • A brief abstract of your project (200-300 words)

The Workshop meets every other Tuesday from 12:00 – 1:20 PM. Our first meeting is scheduled for October 6, 2015. Please check back soon for updates regarding meeting times and locations.