The Importance of Emphasis in a Both-And Approach”
An Intellectual Debate with Elena Lloyd-Sidle and Mark Lambert (PhD Students in Theology)
5:00 – 6:20 PM
Location: Swift 208
Elena and Mark will be discussing the merits of prayer and individual healing on the one hand, and healing through transformation of social systems, on the other. Elena’s dissertation research is on the conceptual interplay of the two, and how they might be understood to be co-constitutive. Elena will begin by giving a synopsis of Ellen Armour’s recent review of the first volume of Sarah Coakley’s systematic theology, which Armour puts into conversation with a work by Elisabeth Schussler-Fiorenza (Journal of Religion, January 2016). This specific and current discussion of the possible perils of emphasizing the spiritual over the systemic will give us an entrance into the broader discussion.
Elena and Mark will begin the conversation, but they are interested to hear what others think about the topic. We hope you can make it!
Light refreshments will be provided.