The Theology and Religious Ethics Workshop offers five different “styles” or formats for our bi-weekly meetings. Please feel free to choose whatever format works best for you or contact us if you have other ideas:
- Conference-Style Format: papers are typically circulated before the meeting. Following a brief presentation by the author and a response from a colleague, the remaining time is devoted to discussion.
- Panel Discussion: two or more participants discuss their work in relation to each other. Rather than reading full papers, the emphasis is on discussion and intellectual exchange. Each presenter will have time for a brief summary of her or his argument followed by comments from the other participant(s). After a second round of discussion among presenters, the conversation is open to questions and comments from the rest of the audience.
- “Tell us Your Story”: how did you get where you are? What questions lead you to develop your work in this way?
- Intellectual Debate: special discussion involving an important topic or longstanding debate within theology or religious ethics, two or more participants representing differing viewpoints required.
- “Tell us why it matters”: the main goal here is to explain the audience why a particular author or theme has relevance today. We ask the presenters to think specially about the implications of the topic outside academia. We also encourage the presenters to consider different strategies to engage publics of very diverse kinds.
If you are interested in presenting, please write to us with the following information:
- A tentative title for your presentation
- Your program and departmental affiliation
- The format you are choosing
- Your preferred term (fall, winter, or spring)
- A brief abstract of your project (200-300 words)