Price Lab

The following datasets are included here:

Price, T. and M. Bouvier (2002) Evolution of F1 post-zygotic incompatibilities in birds. Evolution 56:2083-2089.



Ecology and Morphology of Himalayan Birds


All these datasets are available online through the publications, but can be hard to find, and some have been updated.

Price, T. D. et al. (2014) Niche filling slows the diversification of Himalayan songbirds. Nature 509: 222–225. The datasets can be accessed through the Nature website, attached to figures and somewhat difficult to find. I also include the phylogeny (from treebase)



Schumm, M., A. E. White, K. Supriya and T. D. Price (2020) Ecological limits as the driver of bird species richness patterns along the east Himalayan elevational gradient. American Naturalist 195: 817-802 This provides the most update on the ecological and morphological information from the 2014 paper. We are continually revising and correcting the dataset, and it would be worth contacting us for the most recent one. The phylogeny attached to this paper is for east species only, and we added 8 nonpasserines using the Jetz et al. tree.



White, A. E. (2016) Geographical barriers and dispersal propensity interact to limit range expansions of Himalayan birds. American Naturalist 188:99–112. This is an earlier update on the 2014 paper (cf. Schumm et al. 2020), but includes wing shape measures.



White, A. E., K. K. Dey, D. Mohan, M. Stephens, and T. D. Price. (2019) Regional influences on community structure across the Tropical-Temperate Divide. Nature Communications 10: 2646. We include the grid censuses (most censuses from the east were in Price et al. 2014, with new data from the west, and two eastern sites). The dataset is available from the github website as well (


Rana, S. K., A. E. White and T. D. Price. Key roles for the freezing line and disturbance in driving low plant species richness in temperate climates.


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