Brook Ziporyn | University of Chicago
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Interpreting the Daodejing: “The Minimally Discernible Position” (Supplement to Liveright Edition, 2023)
About Chapter One of the Daodejing (Supplement to Liveright Edition, 2023)
About Chapter Two of the Daodejing (Supplement to Liveright Edition, 2023)
Understanding Zhuangzi
Why Chinese Buddhist Philosophy?
Zhuangzi as Philosopher
Neo-Confucianism and Chinese Buddhism: Tiantai, Huayan and Zhu Xi on Ti/Yong 體用
Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Tiantai Buddhism….
Spinoza and the Self-Overcoming of Solipsism
Nietzsche, Buddhism, Tiantai: Omnidesire as End of Desire
Bob Dylan, Tiantai Buddhism and the Soteriology of Self-Hatred
The Rediscovery of the Superdeterminate: Spinoza Meets Zhuangzi (Via Alexander Douglas)
Tiantai on What Buddhahood Is
Žižek on Buddhism and Christian Atheism: A Fan’s Notes
Confucianism and Atheist Spirituality
Buddhism and Atheist Spirituality
Experiments in Mystical Atheism, Supplementary Material (Link)
Talk on Tiantai and Hegel (Link)
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Spinoza and the Self-Overcoming of Solipsism
Spinoza and the Self-Overcoming of Solipsism