Category Archives: Past Events

Monday 2/6 — Steven Maye

The 20th/21st Century Workshop
is pleased to welcome

Steven MayePh.D. Student in English Language and Literature, University of Chicago
on Monday, February 6 (Week 6) at 12pm
in Classics 405

Steven’s paper, “Poetry of the Post-Medium Condition, 1994–2014,” is available here and should be read in advance of the meeting.
Please do not cite or circulate the materials without the permission of the author.

Light refreshments will be served.
Should you need assistance to attend, contact Nell Pach ( or Jean-Thomas Tremblay (

Monday 1/23 — Peter McDonald

The 20th/21st Century Workshop
is pleased to welcome

Peter McDonaldPh.D. Candidate, University of Chicago
on Monday, January 23 (Week 4) at 12pm
in Classics 405

Peter’s paper, “Was the Linguistic Turn really a Ludic Turn?” is available here and should be read in advance of the meeting.
Please do not cite or circulate the materials without the permission of the author.

Light refreshments will be served.
Should you need assistance to attend, contact Nell Pach ( or Jean-Thomas Tremblay (

Monday 1/9 — Edgar Garcia

The 20th/21st Century Workshop and the Poetry and Poetics Workshop
are pleased to welcome

Edgar Garcia, Provost’s Postdoctoral Scholar and Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of English, University of Chicago
on Monday, January 9 (Week 2) at 4:30pm (note the unusual time) in Rosenwald 432

Professor Garcia’s paper, “Toward a Poetics of Unnatural Signs”, is available here and should be read in advance of the meeting. Please read the introduction, as well as Chapter One if possible.

Please do not cite or circulate the materials without the permission of the author.

Light refreshments will be served
Should you need assistance to attend, contact Nell Pach ( or Jean-Thomas Tremblay (

Winter 2017 Schedule

Media, Technology, Form

The location will be announced a week prior to each event, and will be indicated on the website.

Monday, January 9th at 4:30pm (a joint presentation of the Poetry and Poetics Workshop)
Edgar Garcia, Provost’s Postdoctoral Scholar and Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of English, Chicago
“Toward a Poetics of Unnatural Signs”

Monday, January 23rd at 12pm
Peter McDonald, Ph.D. Candidate in English, Chicago
“Was the Linguistic Turn really a Ludic Turn?”

Monday, February 6th at 12pm
Steven Maye, Ph.D. Student in English, Chicago
“Poetry of the Post-Medium Condition, 1994–2014”

Monday, February 13th at 4:30pm
Patricia Ticineto Clough, Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies, CUNY Graduate Center and Queens College
“Ecstatic Corona: From Ethnography to Performance”

Monday, February 20th at 12pm
Dana Walters, Ph.D. Student in English, Chicago
“Clatter, Chatter, Tick: Henry James’s Late Style and Voicing Noise in The Wings of the Dove”

Monday, March 6th at 12pm
Ted Gordon, Ph.D. Candidate in Music Theory and History, Chicago
“The Buchla Box: Music, Technology, and Systems-Thinking”

For any questions or for requests for accommodation, please e-mail or

Updates and more information are available on our website.  You may join our listserv here.

Wednesday 12/7 — Monique Allewaert

The 20th/21st Century Workshop is pleased to welcome,
in collaboration with the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Cultures Workshop,
Monique AllewaertAssociate Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison
on Wednesday, December 7 (Week 11) from 12pm to 1:20pm
in Rosenwald 405 (Note the unusual location)

Professor Allewaert’s paper,
“Insect Poetics: Or, How James Grainger’s Fraught Personifications Presage Enlightenments Not Taken”,
is available here and should be read in advance of the meeting
(related figures are available here and also here).

Please do not cite or circulate the materials without the permission of the author.

Lunch will be served.
Should you need assistance to attend, contact Nell Pach ( or Jean-Thomas Tremblay (

Monday 11/28 — Jean-Thomas Tremblay

The 20th/21st Century Workshop is pleased to welcome
Jean-Thomas TremblayPh.D Candidate in English, University of Chicago
on Monday, November 28 (Week 10) from 12pm to 1:20pm
in Rosenwald 405 (Note the unusual location)

Jean-Thomas’ paper, “Political Breathing: Somatics of Feminist Coalition,” is available here and should be read in advance of the meeting.

Please do not cite or circulate the materials without the permission of the author.

Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Feel free to bring your own lunch.
Should you need assistance to attend, contact Nell Pach ( or Jean-Thomas Tremblay (

Monday 11/14 — Brady Smith

The 20th/21st Century Workshop is pleased to welcome
Brady SmithHumanities Teaching Scholar, University of Chicago
on Monday, November 14 (Week 8) from 12pm to 1:20pm
in Wilder House, 5811 S Kenwood Ave

Brady’s paper, “African Literature in/and the Anthropocene,” is available here and should be read in advance of the meeting.

Please do not cite or circulate the materials without the permission of the author.

Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Feel free to bring your own lunch.
Should you need assistance to attend, contact Nell Pach ( or Jean-Thomas Tremblay (

Monday 10/31 — Nell Pach

The 20th/21st Century Workshop is pleased to welcome
Nell Pach, Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Chicago
on Monday, October 31 (Week 6) from 12pm to 1:20pm
in Wilder House, 5811 S Kenwood Ave

Nell’s paper, “Everything Unspeaks: Narrating Animals and Animal Narrative in Ulysses,” is available here and should be read in advance of the meeting.

Please do not cite or circulate the materials without the permission of the author.

Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Feel free to bring your own lunch.
Should you need assistance to attend, contact Nell Pach ( or Jean-Thomas Tremblay (

Tuesday 10/18 — The Making of a Fugitive

The 20th/21st Century Workshop is pleased to invite you to an informal visit of the exhibition,
The Making of a Fugitive,
on Tuesday, October 18 (Week 4) from 6:30pm to 8pm
at Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Art
220 E Chicago Ave (Red Line stop: Chicago)

Free admission with U of C student ID
We will meet in the lobby at 6:30pm.

Graduate student experts Rachel KyneCarmen Merport, and Brandon Truett will be present to comment and spark discussion.

The MCA describes the show as follows:

In September 1970, Life magazine’s cover featured a photograph of recently arrested scholar and activist Angela Davis superimposed with the words “The Making of a Fugitive.” The exhibition, which takes its name from the iconic publication, presents works that not only reflect on the fugitive figure in American popular culture, but also interrogate how narratives constructed by the media influence our understandings of lawlessness and otherness and directly inform our views on innocence, safety, and normalcy. The artists have combined text and images, self-fashioned themselves as “wanted” bodies, and questioned our ability to accurately interpret visual evidence shaped by multiple social pressures and conditions.

The Making of a Fugitive showcases mixed media, prints, photographs, and sculptures made by artists working from the 1970s to the present and highlights conceptual artworks in the MCA’s collection. Featured artists include Dennis Adams, Chris Burden, David Hammons, R. B. Kitaj, Barbara Kruger, Glenn Ligon, Bruce Nauman, Huong Ngo, Carrie Schneider, and Xaviera Simmons. Whether the works conjure memories of iconic fugitives, such as Patty Hearst and Angela Davis, or incorporate loaded words, like safety and fear, viewers are prompted to question their assumptions about criminality and contemplate how the circulation of images influences their ideas.Regular activities will resume


Regular workshop activities will resume on October 31 with a discussion of a pre-circulated paper by Nell Pach.

Should you need assistance to find or access the MCA, contact Nell Pach ( or Jean-Thomas Tremblay (

Monday 10/3 — Rebecca Oh

The 20th/21st Century Workshop is pleased to welcome
Rebecca Oh, Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Chicago
on Monday, October 3 (Week 2) from 12pm to 1:20pm
in Wilder House, 5811 S Kenwood Ave

The attached materials, to be read in advance, stem from Rebecca’s dissertation,
“Climate on the Ground: Environmental Justice and Climate Change in Global South Literature”

Rebecca Oh, Note to Readers

Rebecca Oh, Chapter

Rebecca Oh, Proposal

Please read Rebecca’s note, which contextualizes the materials.
Please do not cite or circulate the materials without the permission of the author.

Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Feel free to bring your own lunch.
Should you need assistance, contact Nell Pach ( or Jean-Thomas Tremblay (