Spring 2019 SCHEDULE

April 9: Paul Kosmin (Harvard)

The Making of the Southern Sea


April 23: Ami Huang (UChicago)

The Sheep, the Priestesses, and the Governor: A Case Study on Economic Outsourcing in Kassite Nippur


April 30: Karen Radner (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München)

The Deportation of the Israelites in the Context of the Resettlement Policy of the Assyrian Empire


*THURSDAY* May 2, Haskell 315: Günther Schörner (Vienna)

Looking for Non-Elite Identities: Recent Fieldwork in Northern Tuscany


May 21: Larry Carrillo (UChicago)

Winter 2019 Schedule

January 15: Katherine Blouin (Toronto)

From the Boukoloi to John Cassian and beyond: Shifting landscapes and (un)wavering Identities in the ancient northeastern Nile delta


January 29: Jared Kreiner (UChicago)

Count Me Out: Census Revolts in the Roman Empire


MONDAY, February 11, *4:30 in Swift 403* (co-sponsered with Early Christian Studies): Ary Bryen (Vanderbilt)

The Judgment of the Provinces: Law, Culture, and Empire in the Roman East


February 12: Manuel Fernandez-Gotz (Edinburgh)

Changing Identities in times of Crisis: Reassessing the Roman conquest of Gaul


February 26 *4:00 pm*: Robert Marineau (UChicago)

Making It Manly: Literary Shaping of an Old Hittite King’s Reputation


March 12: Jordan Johansen (UChicago)

Honorary Decrees of the Ptolemaic Nesiotic Koinon


Fall 2018 Schedule

Tuesday, Oct 9, 3:30 PM: Douglas Boin (St. Louis University): “Constantine’s Fountain: On the Intersection of Identity, Art, and Power,” Classics 21

Tuesday, Oct 23, 3:30 PM: Brendan Hainline (UChicago): “sšw jsw: ‘Ancient Writings’ and Authenticity in Egyptian Texts,” Classics 21.

THURSDAY, Nov 8, 3:30 PM: Jennifer Finn (Marquette University), “One House Left Standing: Negotiating Dynastic Identity in the Conquest of Empire,” Classics 21

Tuesday, Nov 20, 3:30 PM: Mills McArthur (UChicago), “ΕΚ ΤΩΝ ΕΡΓ ΕΠΙ ΣΟΥΝ ΟΙΚ: Workplace as Occupation Title,” Classics 21

For more information, please contact the workshop coordinator, Tim Clark, tfclark@uchicago.edu