- Genomic and Transcriptional Mechanisms Governing Innate-like T Lymphocyte Development. Morgan RC, Kee BL. J Immunol. 2022 July 15;209(2):208-216.
- E Protein Transcription factors as Suppressors of T Lymphocyte Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Parriott G, Kee BL. Front Immunol. 2022 Apr 20;13:885144.
- Oncogenic and Tumor Suppressor Functions for Lymphoid Enhancer Factor 1 in a Murine Model of T Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Carr T, McGregor S, Dias S, Verykokakis M, LeBeau MM, Xue HH, Bartom ET, Kee BL. Front Immunol. 2022 Mar 18;13:845488.
- The transcriptional repressor ID2 supports natural killer cell maturation by controlling TCF1 amplitude. Li ZY, Hegermiller E, Sun M, Bartom ET, Maienschein-Cline M, Sigvardson M, Kee BL. J Exp Med, 218(6):e2020032, 2021.
- Combinatorial ETS1-dependent control of oncogenic NOTCH1 enhancers in T-cell leukemia. McCarter AC, Della Gatta G, Melnick A, Kim E, Sha C, Wang Q, Nalamolu JK, Liu Y, Keeley T, Yan R, Sun M, Kodgule R, Kunnath N, Ambesi-Impiombato A, Kuick R, Rao A, Ryan RJH, Kee BL, Samuelson LC, Ostraowski MC, Ferrando AA, Chiang MY. Blood Cancer Discovery, in press, published OnlineFirst July 14, 2020.
- Transcriptional regulation of natural killer cell development and maturation. Kee BL, Morman RE, Sun M. Adv Immunol. 146:1-28, 2020.
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- Cutting Edge: Lymphomyeloid-Primed Progenitor Cell Fates Are Controlled by the Transcription Factor Tal1. de Pooter RF, Dias S, Chowdhury M, Bartom ET, Okoreeh MK, Sigvardsson M, Kee BL. J Immunol. 2019 May 15;202(10):2837-2842.
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- Batf Pioneers the Reorganization of Chromatin in Developing Effector T Cells via Ets1-Dependent Recruitment of Ctcf. Durai Pham D, Moseley CE, Gao M, Savic D, Winstead CJ, Sun M, Kee BL, Myers RM, Weaver CT, Hatton RD. Cell Rep. 2019 Oct 29:29(5):1203-1220.
- Transcription factor ID2 prevents E proteins from encoding a naïve T lymphocyte gene program during NK Cell Development Zook EC, Li ZY, Xu Y, de Pooter RF, Verykokakis M, Beaulieu A, Lasorella A, Maienschein-Cline M, Sun JC, Sigvardsson M, Kee BL. Sci Immunol. 2018 Apr 27;3(22). pii: eaao2139.
- Transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of innate-like T lymphocyte development. Verykokakis M, Kee BL. Curr Opin Immunol. 2018 Apr;51:39-45.
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- EZH2 Regulates the Developmental Timing of Effectors of the Pre-Antigen Receptor Checkpoints. Jacobsen JA, Woodard J, Mandal M, Clark MR, Bartom ET, Sigvardsson M, Kee BL. J Immunol. 2017 Jun 15;198(12):4682-4691.
- Applying the TOR(C)QUE in iNKT cells: A new twist in an old tale. Verykokakis M, Kee BL. Eur J Immunol. 2017 Mar;47(3):454-457.
- Murine thymic NK cells are distinct from ILC1s and have unique transcription factor requirements. Gabrielli S, Sun M, Bell A, Zook EC, de Pooter RF, Zamai L, Kee BL. Eur J Immunol. 2017 May;47(5):800-805.
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- Innate Lymphoid Cells Control Early Colonization Resistance against Intestinal Pathogens through ID2-Dependent Regulation of the Microbiota. Guo X, Liang Y, Zhang Y, Lasorella A, Kee BL, Fu YX. Immunity. 2015 Apr 21;42(4):731-43.
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