Dr. Celeste Thomas Wins HDSI Innovations Grant

Dr. Celeste Thomas Wins HDSI Innovations Grant

Each year, the Center for Healthcare Delivery Science and Innovation (HDSI) supports internal projects through our Innovations Grant Program, funding up to $50,000 for each one-year project. On May 8th, HDSI brought together University of Chicago Medicine operational...
Dr. Monica Peek Writes on Food Insecurity and COVID-19

Dr. Monica Peek Writes on Food Insecurity and COVID-19

The Chicago Tribune has published an important and timely editorial, by the University of Chicago’s Monica Peek, which concerns the difficulties of living with food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic. An excerpt: “Given the challenges of living with...
Dr. Scott Hunter Appointed to APA Standing Board

Dr. Scott Hunter Appointed to APA Standing Board

We are excited to announce that the American Psychological Association (APA) has appointed Dr. Scott J. Hunter, Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neuroscience and Pediatrics, to the APA’s Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest (BAPPI)...
Dr. Nathaniel Lloyd Crump retirement

Dr. Nathaniel Lloyd Crump retirement

After nearly two decades as a dedicated clinician, teacher and innovator at University of Chicago, Dr. Nathaniel Lloyd Crump has announced that he will be retiring on September 20th, 2019. Dr. Crump began his medical career as a medical student at Washington...