Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP)
Application Deadline January 29th.
For more information, click here.
Chicago EYES on Cancer
Chicago EYES on Cancer is not accepting new participants at this time. Join our mailing list for program updates and announcements, including notification when applications for the next program cycle are released
Contact Person:
Megan Mekinda, PhD
Diversity in Cancer Research
Rigorous research training is complemented with year-round career development and skill-building workshops, leadership training, opportunities in community outreach and engagement, and personalized mentorship for post-baccalaureate transitions.
DICR is funded by a grant from the American Cancer Society.
Applications for the 2024 cohort are due by 11:59 p.m. CST on Monday, January 22, 2024
Learn more and apply here.
Rigorous research training is complemented by career development and skill-building workshops, a cancer-based faculty lecture series, and a network of faculty and peer mentors dedicated to students’ success. The program culminates in a research symposium for family, friends and members of the scientific community. Participants receive a taxable stipend of $3,000.
Applications for summer 2024 are due by 11:59 p.m. CST on Monday, January 22, 2024.
Learn more and apply here.
SHE (Summer Healthcare Experience) in Oncology
SHE (Summer Healthcare Experience) in Oncology is a virtual, multi-institutional program for high school students interested in science and medicine. Its mission is to empower individuals who identify as women and otherwise underrepresented in the sciences to enter biomedical career pathways, specifically within the field of cancer.
Over the course of two weeks, SHE trainees collaborate on a genetics-based research project, and a patient case study project, to explore key facets of cancer science and care. Trainees also participate in daily faculty lectures, panel discussions, and skill-building workshops to acquire knowledge and networks for their next steps on biomedical career pathways.
SHE in Oncology is funded by a grant from the American Cancer Society. Programming is delivered in part through a partnership with eCLOSE Institute.
Cultivating Health & Aging Researchers by Integrating Science, Medicine, & Aging (CHARISMA)
To increase diversity in medicine, science, and the aging-related clinical research workforce, CHARISMA offers eligible students a variety of research training and clinical shadowing opportunities, including:
- A didactic curriculum focused on aging-related conditions and diseases across the lifespan, and the methodological approaches to studying these conditions and diseases,
- A clinical research experience where students learn to recruit, consent, and interview patients to collect data as a part of a team studying issues relevant to hospitalized older adults,
- A faculty mentored, aging-related research project, and
- A clinical mentorship and shadowing program.
For more information, click here.
Diversity Access to Research in Neuroscience (DARN) Program
The “UChicago-UPR Diversity Access to Research in Neuroscience” (DARN) Program is specifically for undergraduates enrolled at the University of Puerto Rico campuses. DARN takes advantage of the breadth and depth of neurobiology research across various departments (Organismal Biology and Anatomy, Human Genetics, Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, Neurobiology, and others) in order to facilitate rigorous undergraduate involvement in research, foster interactions between students, expose students to research outside their immediate interests, develop professional skills, and build personal networks with colleagues within and outside the University. The DARN program will encompass labs working with flies, zebrafish, octopus, mice, and other model organisms and using cutting edge techniques including connectomics, calcium imaging, optogenetics, CRISPR, and high-throughput behavioral analyses. A unique part of DARN is that Fellows will also be near-peer mentored by current UChicago graduate students (some of whom are from Puerto Rico) to gain insight into graduate school and beyond. The research activities will take place in host laboratories across the UChicago campus. The DARN program works closely with the UChicago Leadership Alliance (LA) and will engage in all LA activities as well.
How to apply: To apply for DARN, students will submit an application through the Leadership Alliance portal (information can be found at https://leadershipalliance.uchicago.edu/). In the ‘Statement of Purpose’, please state that you are specifically interested in the UChicago-UPR Diversity Access to Research in Neuroscience (DARN) Program, and the application will be flagged.
The deadline to apply is February 1st 2024.
Questions? If you have any questions about the program, how to apply, logistics, etc, please do not hesitate to reach out to Robert Carrillo robertcarrillo[at]uchicago.edu.
Leadership Alliance/DENDRITES
For more information about UChicago’s Leadership Alliance Chapter, click here.
The Dynamic Experiences in Neuroscience to Diversify Research Internship Training Exposures for Students (DENDRITES) program aims at encouraging and supporting the research and career development of students interested in basic, clinical, and translational neuroscience. The program will host visiting undergraduate students to participate in an intensive nine-week research program under the direction of faculty mentors, introducing them to cutting-edge research methods and solidifying their commitment to pursuing research careers. DENDRITES will be part of Leadership Alliance Summer Research – Early Identification Program (SR-EIP) at UChicago to offer students professional development workshops and social activities across Chicago.
To apply to Leadership Alliance (generally) or Dendrites submit an application to the LANS Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP) The direct application link is here.
The Deadline is February 1st 2024
Neuroscience Early Stage Scientist Training Program (NESSTP)
You can apply on Handshake the deadline is February 4th, 2024
For more information, click here.
Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP)
Contact Person:
Laurie E. Risner, PhD
The Pritzker School of Medicine Experience in Research (PSOMER)
Application Deadline January 29th
For more information, click here.
Research Experience for Undergraduates Program in Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
To learn more and submit an application click here.
Application deadline Febuary 15th 2024.
*This program uses the UChicago GRAD SREU common application you may also apply to the Molecular Engineering and Physical Sciences REU programs through this single application
For more Information, contact:
Professor Aaron Turkewitz
Email: apturkew@uchicago.edu
Up on EHS
All application materials are due FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2024
For more information, click here.
Developmental Neurobiology Undergraduate Fellowship
Students will be required to perform 10 weeks of full-time research in their host labs, as well as various other responsibilities. Fellows will receive a $5,000 stipend. In addition, the host laboratory will receive funds to cover expenses related to travel, room and board related to conference attendance.
***In order to apply for DNUFO, applicants must first identify a mentor who works within the general area of developmental neurobiology or closely related fields. Once a mentor is identified, the applicant will work with him/her to prepare the application. A full application will consist of the following: