November 19, 4:00 Smart Museum session

Dear Central Europeanists,
Please join us this Thursday, November 19 at 4:00 for a special session at the Smart Museum of Art, where we will be viewing two exhibitions of German and Central European art. More information about the exhibits can be found below:

Expressionist Impulses: German and Central European Art, 1890-1990

To See in Black and White: German and Central European Photography, 1920s-1950s

While this meeting will not feature any formal presentations, we encourage any and all of you with special interests in particular artists, media, or areas to share your insights with the group. After our viewing, we will move to Seven Ten (1055 E. 55th Street) for refreshments and discussion. We will meet outside of the museum at 4:00. (Please note that this is earlier than our usual time!)

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