Computer Science courses

Approved electives from computer science are listed below. 

Students are required to take:

  • One (1) approved course for to complete the “breadth” requirement (see table below)
  • Two (2) additional courses if intending to fulfill a “depth” requirement in computer science
    • All courses approved as breadth courses can alternatively be applied to the depth requirement

Students may request approval of a course not on this list by submitting a proposal and rationale to the Cognitive Science Program Coordinator.


Courses marked with an asterisk (*) may be used to satisfy either the Disciplinary requirement or the Formal Foundations requirement, but not both.

Students who wish to take courses marked with double asterisks (**) must make the complete their final assignments on a topic relevant to cognitive science.

BIOS 20172Mathematical Modeling for Pre-Med Students*No
BIOS 20151Introduction to Quantitative Modeling in BiologyNo
CMSC 14100Introduction to Computer Science I*Yes
CMSC 14200Introduction to Computer Science II*Yes
CMSC 14300Systems Programming I*Yes
CMSC 14400Systems Programming II*Yes
CMSC 15100Introduction to Computer Science IYes
CMSC 15200Introduction to Computer Science IIYes
CMSC 15400Introduction to Computer SystemsYes
CMSC 20600Introduction to RoboticsNo
CMSC 20630Human-Robot Interaction: Research and PracticeNo
CMSC 21400Creative Machines and Innovative Instrumentation**No
CMSC 21800Data Science for Computer ScientistsYes
CMSC 23900Data VisualizationNo
CMSC 25025Machine Learning and Large-Scale Data AnalysisNo
CMSC 25300Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning*Yes
CMSC 25400Machine LearningYes
CMSC 25020Computational LinguisticsYes
CMSC 25500Introduction to Neural NetworksYes
CMSC 25700Natural Language ProcessingYes
CMSC 27200Theory of AlgorithmsYes
CMSC 35900Topics in Artificial Intelligence: Do LLMs Generalize?No
COGS 20100Perspectives on large language models: computational, cognitive, socialNo
DATA 11800Introduction to Data Science IYes
DATA 11900Introduction to Data Science IIYes
DATA 12000Computer Science for Data ScienceYes
DATA 13600Introduction to Data EngineeringNo
DATA 22100Introduction to Machine LearningYes
DATA 23100Machine Learning Fundamentals: Theory and PracticeYes
DATA 23700Visualization for Data ScienceNo
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